
These are my Dotfiles these include tmux, xterm etc.

Primary LanguagePython


If you want to use my configurations for Xterm or Zsh(not good right now) then you need to follow the installation of the programs in your Linux distribution or also on MacOS. Remind: This is just for Unix-based systems so many things won't work on Windows.

Install tmux

tmux is included in most package managers of Linux for example in Arch: sudo pacman -S tmux Debian based: sudo apt-get install tmux Fedora: sudo dnf install tmux Or also MacOS: brew install tmux IF your distribution is not listed here search for it in the internet. After that put the tmux.conf in ~/.config/tmux/ if this folder does not exist then you need to create it.

Install Xterm

Xterm is preinstalled on the most distributions but sometimes in minimal installations, you do not have it preinstalled so install it with your package manager: Arch (for example): sudo pacman -S xterm

you want to put your .Xresources file in your home directory. After that go in your terminal and type this command: xrdb -load .Xresources Then you have a nice basic terminal Don't use it on MacOS because it looks goofy

Install ZSH

Use the package manager of your System to download it and then change your shell first, go into your shell by typing "zsh" and then do echo $SHELL after that copy the output and paste it into this command: chsh "the pasted input" Now restart your shell and your default shell should be zsh.

You then need to put the .xprofile into your home directory and restart your computer after that paste the .zshrc into ~/.config/zsh/ and restart your terminal.

Quick Reminder

This is just my Config you can add and delete things if you want to. Here are some Texts that might be helpful for that:


