This repository contains build scripts and configuration files for the official JanusGraph Docker images, which are published on the Docker Hub.
The default configuration uses the Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition storage backend and the Apache Lucene indexing backend:
docker run --rm --name janusgraph-default janusgraph/janusgraph:latest
Start a JanusGraph container and connect to the janusgraph
server remotely
using Gremlin Console:
$ docker run --rm --link janusgraph-default:janusgraph -e GREMLIN_REMOTE_HOSTS=janusgraph \
-it janusgraph/janusgraph:latest ./bin/
(o o)
plugin activated: janusgraph.imports
plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
plugin activated: tinkerpop.hadoop
plugin activated: tinkerpop.spark
plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
gremlin> :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml
==>Configured janusgraph/
gremlin> :> g.addV('person').property('name', 'chris')
gremlin> :> g.V().values('name')
Start a JanusGraph Server instance using docker-compose.yml
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Start a JanusGraph container running Gremlin Console in the same network using
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm \
-e GREMLIN_REMOTE_HOSTS=janusgraph janusgraph ./bin/
When the container is started it will execute files with the extension
that are found in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
with the
Gremlin Console.
These scripts are only executed after the JanusGraph Server instance was
So, they can connect to it and execute Gremlin traversals.
For example, to add a vertex to the graph, create a file
with the following content:
g = traversal().withRemote('conf/')
g.addV('demigod').property('name', 'hercules').iterate()
JanusGraph-Docker has a single utility method. This method writes the JanusGraph Configuration and show the config afterward.
docker run --rm -it janusgraph/janusgraph:0.4.0 janusgraph show-config
Default config locations are /etc/opt/janusgraph/
and /etc/opt/janusgraph/gremlin-server.yaml
The JanusGraph image provides multiple methods for configuration, including using environment variables to set options and using bind-mounted configuration.
The environment variables supported by the JanusGraph image are summarized below.
Variable | Description |
JanusGraph properties file template (see below). The default properties file template is berkeleyje-lucene . |
janusgraph.* |
Any JanusGraph configuration option to override in the template properties file, specified with an outer janusgraph namespace (e.g., ). See JanusGraph Configuration for available options. |
gremlinserver.* |
Any Gremlin Server configuration option to override in the default configuration (YAML) file, specified with an outer gremlinserver namespace (e.g., gremlinserver.threadPoolWorker ). See Gremlin Server Configuration for available options. |
Timeout (seconds) used when waiting for Gremlin Server before executing initialization scripts. Default value is 30 seconds. |
Timeout (seconds) used when waiting for the storage backend before starting Gremlin Server. Default value is 60 seconds. |
Optional hostname for external Gremlin Server instance. Enables a container running Gremlin Console to connect to a remote server using conf/remote.yaml . |
environment variable is used to define the base JanusGraph
properties file. Values in the template properties file are used unless an alternate value
for a given property is provided in the environment. The common usage will be to specify
a template for the general environment (e.g., cassandra-es
) and then provide additional
individual configuration to override/extend the template. The available templates depend
on the JanusGraph version (see conf/gremlin-server/janusgraph*.properties
Supported Versions |
berkeleyje |
all |
berkeleyje-es |
all |
berkeleyje-lucene (default) |
all |
cassandra-es |
all |
cql-es |
>=0.2.1 |
Start a JanusGraph instance using the default berkeleyje-lucene
template with custom
storage and server settings:
docker run --name janusgraph-default \
-e \
-e gremlinserver.threadPoolWorker=2 \
Inspect the configuration:
$ docker exec janusgraph-default sh -c 'cat /etc/opt/janusgraph/ | grep ^[a-z]'
$ docker exec janusgraph-default grep threadPoolWorker /etc/opt/janusgraph/gremlin-server.yaml
threadPoolWorker: 2
Start a JanusGraph instance with Cassandra and Elasticsearch using the cassandra-es
template through docker-compose-cql-es.yml
docker-compose -f docker-compose-cql-es.yml up
Inspect the configuration using
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-cql-es.yml exec \
janusgraph sh -c 'cat /etc/opt/janusgraph/ | grep ^[a-z]'
cache.db-cache = true
cache.db-cache-clean-wait = 20
cache.db-cache-time = 180000
cache.db-cache-size = 0.25
By default, the container stores both the
and gremlin-server.yaml
directory which maps to /etc/opt/janusgraph
. When the container
starts, it updates those files using the environment variable values. If you have a specific
configuration and do not wish to use environment variables to configure JanusGraph, you can
mount a directory containing your own version of those configuration files into the container
through a bind mount, e.g., -v /local/path/on/host:/etc/opt/janusgraph:ro
. You'll need to bind
the files as read-only, however, if you do not wish to have the environment variables override the
values in that file.
Start a JanusGraph instance with mounted configuration using
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-mount.yml up
janusgraph-mount | chown: changing ownership of '/etc/opt/janusgraph/': Read-only file system
JanusGraph-Docker uses the same communication channels as JanusGraph in general. Please refer to the Community section in JanusGraph's main repository for more information about these various channels.
Please use GitHub issues only to report bugs or request features.
Please see
in JanusGraph's main repository
for more information, including CLAs and best practices for working with
JanusGraph Docker images are provided under the Apache 2.0
license and documentation is provided under the CC-BY-4.0
license. For details about this dual-license structure, please
see LICENSE.txt