
Changed the tab title from "website" to "Horiseon" within the html sheet on line 7

Deleted the div class "header" to create just a "header" html element. To ensure the css stylesheet recognizes this change, I deleted the "." before all header items in the css style sheet.

Changed the div html element to a "nav" (line 13 and 25) and changed the corresponding elements in the css stylesheet (line 27, 35, 39)

Attached an "alt" funtion to describe the images on the bottom of the page in case the images do not populate / for screen readers.

Condensed the benefit lead, cost and brand tags to one "benefit" tag.

Created an id for "search engine optimization" in order to properly navigate to that area of the page when it is selected.

Deleted the "footer" class in html and replaced it witht eh "footer" element. Also, deleted the "." before the footer tags in the css stylesheet.

Changed the div classes: social media marketing, online reputation management and social media marketing to "sos". Next, I condensed the the corresponding tags in the css stylesheet to on function: ".sos" ". sos img" and ". sos h2"