Streaming ZIP XML XLSX parser
SZXX is a streaming, non-seeking and efficient parser built from the ground up for very low memory usage. It begins outputting data while a file is still incomplete. In many cases it can be configured to run in constant memory. It even works in the browser!
SZXX can be used to stream data out of ZIP files, XML files, as well as XLSX files.
To paraphrase an infamous rant:
At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the XLSX format... XLSX is not my favourite file format.
XLSX appears to be designed to force the entire file to be deserialized into memory. It fights back every attempt at streaming or extracting partial data.
An XLSX file is actually a ZIP archive containing several XML files, each containing different pieces of the data.
This library abstracts away as much complexity as possible and documents the complexity that can't be avoided. As such, this README contains a number of notes labeled
- First we need a
function (SZXX.Zip.feed
) that SZXX can call whenever it needs more data. The following snippet creates afeed
function from aLwt_io.input_channel
. See this section for more examples offeed
let feed_string ic =
(fun () -> ~count:4096 ic >|= function
| "" -> None (* EOF *)
| chunk -> Some chunk)
- We also need a
'a SZXX.Xlsx.cell_parser
, formula
, error
, boolean
, number
, date
(rarely used), and null
. This is simply a set of 7 functions, one to parse each of the 7 cells types. SZXX will automatically invoke the right one based on the cell type. You can inspect the cell location (sheet, row, column) to determine how to map it to your own 'a
type 'a cell_parser = {
string: location -> string -> 'a;
formula: location -> formula:string -> string -> 'a;
error: location -> string -> 'a;
boolean: location -> string -> 'a;
number: location -> string -> 'a;
date: location -> string -> 'a;
null: 'a;
A simple Yojson cell_parser is included in this library (SZXX.Xlsx.yojson_cell_parser
) but creating your own cell_parser is probably a good idea.
for ">", 😀
for "😀" etc). For performance reasons SZXX avoids preemptively unescaping String cells in case they're not used. SZXX.Xlsx.yojson_cell_parser
already unescapes strings for you. If you write your own cell_parser
and your String cells might contain reserved XML characters (<
, >
, '
, "
, &
, etc) you will need to call SZXX.Xml.unescape
on data coming from String cells.
type (OCaml float) to encode Date and DateTime. Pass this float to SZXX.Xlsx.parse_date
or SZXX.Xlsx.parse_datetime
to decode it. The date
type was only introduced to Excel in 2010 and very few XLSX readers/writers use it.
- We can finally process our XLSX file.
open Lwt.Syntax
let print_rows_as_json xlsx_path =
Lwt_io.with_file ~flags:[O_RDONLY; O_NONBLOCK] ~mode:Input xlsx_path (fun input_channel ->
(* 1. Create a `feed` function *)
let feed = feed_string input_channel in
(* 2. Invoke one of the stream_rows_* functions. They return the following:
- `stream` is a Lwt_stream
- `success` is a `unit Lwt.t` *)
let stream, success =
SZXX.Xlsx.stream_rows_buffer ~feed SZXX.Xlsx.yojson_cell_parser
(* 3. Work with the stream, but DO NOT AWAIT this promise!
Again, do not bind unto this promise yet! *)
let processed =
Lwt_stream.iter_s (fun ({ sheet_number; row_number; data } as row) ->
let open SZXX.Xlsx in
(* `` has type `Yojson.Basic.t array` because of our choice of `cell_parser` *)
(* For this example we just print the JSON to stdout *)
let all_columns_as_json = `List (Array.to_list in
Lwt_io.printl (Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string all_columns_as_json))
(* 4. Bind/await the `success` promise to catch any error that may have terminated the stream early
This could be due to a corrupted file or similar issues. *)
let* () = success in
(* 5. Finally we can bind/await the promise from step 3 and use it! *)
let* result = processed in
do_work result
Therefore, the user must either:
- ignore String cells
- OR buffer rows until String cells can be read
- OR work exclusively with spreadsheets that use Inline Strings and/or place the SST at the beginning of the XLSX file.
At this point clever readers are probably thinking that we could have the best of both worlds by processing the XLSX file twice: once to extract the SST and a second time with stream_rows
. You are correct. If your use case allows for it, you can use Xlsx.SST.from_zip
to extract the SST, then call Xlsx.stream_rows_unparsed
and call Xlsx.parse_row_with_sst
on each stream element.
Keep reading to see how to design a solution for your use case.
The main functions of this module are:
Function | Rows | Strings cells | Memory | Notes |
stream_rows |
Parsed | Delayed (usually) | Constant | Inlined String cells are available immediately, SST lookups are delayed unless the SST is located before the sheet within the file. |
stream_rows_buffer |
Parsed | Available | Linear (usually) | Constant memory if the SST is located before the sheet within the file. |
stream_rows_unparsed |
Unparsed | Delayed | Constant | Slightly faster than stream_rows . This allows the user to skim through a file and only parse the rows they're interested in. |
Rows are always emitted strictly in the order they appear in the sheet.
type 'a status =
| Available of 'a
| Delayed of delayed_string
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type 'a row = {
sheet_number: int;
row_number: int;
data: 'a array;
[@@deriving sexp_of]
Returns a 'a status row Lwt_stream.t
: a stream of fully parsed XLSX rows, with one caveat: cells are wrapped in 'a status
. This status will be Available for everything except for Shared Strings that are referencing a SST that has yet to be seen.
Some workflows simply do not need to read data from String cells at all.
For those that do, the typical process is to filter out as many rows as possible and then buffer the rest until the SST becomes available.
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let open SZXX.Xlsx in
(* Step 1: Invoke `stream_rows`. Here we're using the built-in Yojson cell_parser *)
let stream, sst_p, success = stream_rows ~feed yojson_cell_parser in
(* Step 2: Filter out as many rows as possible by inspecting metadata (row_number, etc) and non-string data *)
let filtered =
(fun { sheet_number = _; row_number; data } ->
(* In this example we look at column 3 and the row_number to determine if a row is relevant.
Let's assume we only want to look at the first 1000 rows
and only those that contain TRUE in column 3. *)
match (Array.get data 3) with
| _ when row.row_number > 1000 -> false
| Available (`Bool x) -> x
| Available _
| Delayed _ ->
failwith "Unexpected data in column D")
(* Step 3: Process the stream.
As usual, DO NOT BIND/AWAIT the promise yet! *)
let count =
(fun row acc ->
(* 99% of the time, the location of the SST is at the end of the XLSX file, meaning `sst_p` will
only resolve AFTER SZXX has finished parsing your sheet (adding its rows to the stream).
Therefore your program will consume as much RAM as necessary to store all the rows you
didn't filter out in Step 2 *)
(* await the SST. This causes buffering. *)
let* sst = sst_p in
(* unwrap the status (Available/Delayed) by calling `unwrap_status` to resolve all Delayed cells *)
let fully_available_row = unwrap_status yojson_cell_parser sst row in
let+ result = do_work fully_available_row in
acc + 1)
filtered 0
(* Step 3: Await `success` to catch corruption errors *)
let* () = success in
(* Step 4: Use the result of Step 3! *)
let* count = count in
Lwt_io.printlf "Number of rows: %d" count
Same as stream_rows
, but returns 'a row Lwt_stream.t
instead of 'a status row Lwt_stream.t
In other words it eliminates the complexity of having to call unwrap_status
to read String cells.
Caution: This function is only safe to use if at least one of these conditions is true:
- You are certain that your spreadsheet does not contain Shared Strings. In other words, all strings are inlined into the spreadsheet itself instead of being stored in the SST.
- OR: You are certain that the SST is located before your sheet within the ZIP archive. This appears to be rare in practice.
- OR: Your sheet is small. You don't mind if every row is held in memory -until the SST is reached- before any row is available on the
Same as stream_rows
, but returns each row as a raw XML element: Xml.DOM.element row Lwt_stream.t
Call Xlsx.parse_row_without_sst
to get the more user friendly 'a status row
, or directly manipulate the XML element through the functions provided in the Xml.DOM
This function is especially interesting for users that might be interested in just a few rows out of a large spreadsheet because it avoids wasting time parsing every row.
Converts an Xml.DOM.element Xlsx.row
(as returned by stream_rows_unparsed
) into an 'a Xlsx.status Xlsx.row
(as returned by stream_rows
Converts an Xml.DOM.element Xlsx.row
(as returned by stream_rows_unparsed
) into an 'a Xlsx.row
(as returned by stream_rows_buffer
Converts a parsed row 'a Xlsx.status Xlsx.row
(as returned by stream_rows
and parse_row_without_sst
) into 'a Xlsx.row
(as returned by stream_rows_buffered
and parse_row_with_sst
Manually resolve a single SST reference.
XLSX uses its number
type (OCaml float) to encode Date cells. This function converts one such float into a Core Date.t
XLSX uses its number
type (OCaml float) to encode DateTime cells. This function converts one such float into a Core Time.t
Converts from a column reference (such as "D7" or "AA2") into a 0-based column index.
This XML parser is far from fully spec-compliant and does not attempt to validate, correct errors, or follow references. Text nodes are seen as opaque bytes.
It returns one "XML event" (XML node) at a time. Invoke it using Angstrom.many
to form a sequence/list/etc that can be passed to Xml.SAX.To_DOM.folder
or Xml.SAX.Stream.folder
to form a valid XML tree.
Both folder
functions take an optional ~strict
argument (true
by default). When false
, non-closed elements are treated as self-closing elements, HTML-style. In combination with Xml.make_parser
it becomes possible to parse HTML using SZXX.Xml.
Fold your sequence/list/stream of SAX.node
values into a fully formed XML tree.
When done, the final output of folder
will contain the DOM tree in the top
field and the XML document attributes in the decl_attrs
Example 1: synchronous input string
let open SZXX in
let raw_xml_string = "...xml..." in
let nodes =
Angstrom.parse_string ~consume:All (Angstrom.many Xml.parser) raw_xml_string
|> Result.ok_or_failwith
let xml =
List.fold_result nodes ~init:Xml.SAX.To_DOM.init ~f:(fun acc x -> Xml.SAX.To_DOM.folder (Ok acc) x)
|> Result.ok_or_failwith
(* Do something with `xml` *)
Example 2: streamed raw input data, progressively parse the whole XML tree in memory
Here the XML tree is constructed on the fly as the raw bytes come in instead of having to read everything into a string before we even begin constructing the XML tree.
let state = ref (Ok Xml.SAX.To_DOM.init) in
let on_parse node =
state := Xml.SAX.To_DOM.folder !state node;
let* _rest, result =
(fun () -> Angstrom_lwt_unix.parse_many Xml.parser on_parse input_channel)
(fun () -> Lwt_io.close input_channel)
match result, !state with
| Error msg, _
| _, Error msg ->
failwith msg
| Ok (), Ok parsed_xml ->
(* Do something with parsed_xml *)
Fold your sequence/list/stream of SAX.node
values into a shallow DOM tree.
The folder
function takes 2 extra arguments over To_DOM.folder
: where to truncate the tree.on_match
: the callback invoked whenever an XML node matchesfilter_path
Example: given a standard HTML document, if ~filter_path:["html"; "head"; "script"]
then on_match
will be called for every <script>
tag located within <html><head>
. Furthermore, html -> head
will have no <script>
children because they were passed to on_match
instead of being added to the tree.
Hence shallow DOM tree.
This is how SZXX.Xlsx
manages to run in constant memory.
Example 3: streamed raw input data, streamed parsed XML elements, constant memory
This is similar to Example 2, except that we define a filter_path
and all nodes at that path will be passed to on_match
instead of being added to the tree. This allows us to process matches on the fly without storing all of them in the tree in memory.
In this example our filter_path
will select all <div>
elements at the root of the <body>
The on_match
function will receive them and work on them by side effect.
let state = ref (Ok Xml.SAX.Stream.init) in
let filter_path = [ "html"; "body"; "div" ] in
let on_match div =
(* Do something with `div` *)
print_endline (Xml.DOM.sexp_of_element div |> Sexp.to_string)
let on_parse node =
state := Xml.SAX.Stream.folder ~filter_path ~on_match !state node;
(* Here we can:
- inspect `node` and act on it
- asynchronously process matches we saved from `on_match` by side effect *)
let* _rest, result =
(fun () -> Angstrom_lwt_unix.parse_many Xml.parser on_parse input_channel)
(fun () -> Lwt_io.close input_channel)
match result, !state with
| Error msg, _
|_, Error msg ->
failwith msg
| Ok (), Ok shallow_tree ->
(* Do something with `shallow_tree` *)
This ZIP parser always works in constant memory. It calls a feed
function to request more input.
It is fully featured and supports every type of ZIP, including the important ZIP64 (sub)format, with the exception of files using deprecated compression methods.
Compression methods 0
(stored/none) and 8
(deflated) are supported.
Takes a feed
function and a callback
SZXX will call feed
any time it needs more bytes. Return None
to indicate End Of File.
SZXX will call callback
when it encounters a new file within the ZIP archive. You must choose an Action for SZXX to perform on each file.
- Return
to skip over the compressed bytes of this file without attempting to uncompress them. - Return
to collect the whole uncompressed file into a single string. This will obviously consume memory proportional to the size of the file. - Return
to fold this file into a final state, in string chunks of roughly ~1k-5k. - Return
to fold this file into a final state, in bigstring chunks of roughly ~1k-5k. - Return
to apply anAngstrom.t
parser to the file while it is being uncompressed without having to fully uncompress it first. This will obviously consume memory proportial to the size of your parse state.
let exact_file_from_zip ~extract_filename input_channel =
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let open SZXX in
(* 1. Create a `feed` function. This README contains examples of this towards the end. *)
let feed = feed_string input_channel in
(* 2. Create a callback function.
Here we skip all files except the one we're interested in.
If you deem the file(s) too large for `Action.String`,
then look into `Action.Fold_string`, `Action.Fold_bigstring` or `Action.Angstrom` *)
let callback = function
| ({ filename; _ } : Zip.entry) when String.(filename = extract_filename) -> Zip.Action.String
| _ -> Zip.Action.Skip
(* 3. Invoke `Zip.stream_files` *)
let stream, success = Zip.stream_files ~feed callback in
(* 4. Work with the stream, but DO NOT AWAIT this promise!
Again, do not bind unto this promise yet! *)
let unzipped =
(* As an example, we're just going to flush out the contents of the stream by collecting it into a list.
The ZIP parser will not pull more input from `feed` nor add more output to the stream
if the stream is already holding at least one unread element. *)
let+ files = Lwt_stream.to_list stream in
(* Due to our `callback` function, all values in `files` will be `Zip.Data.Skipped`,
except for possibly one `Zip.Data.String` if the desired file (`extract_filename`)
was found in the ZIP archive *)
List.find_map files ~f:(function
| _entry, Zip.Data.String raw -> Some raw
| _ -> None)
(* 4. Bind/await the `success` promise to catch any error that may have terminated the stream early
This could be due to a corrupted file or similar issues. *)
let* () = success in
(* 5. Finally we can bind/await the promise from step 3 and use it! *)
let* unzipped = unzipped in
match unzipped with
| None -> failwithf "File `%s` not found in ZIP archive" extract_filename ()
| Some raw ->
(* Use `raw` file contents *)
Example 1: Make a naive feed
function from an Lwt_io.input_channel
let feed_string ic =
(fun () -> ~count:4096 ic >|= function
| "" -> None (* EOF *)
| chunk -> Some chunk)
Example 2: Make an efficient feed
function from an Lwt_io.input_channel
let feed_bigstring ic =
let open SZXX.Zip in
let open Lwt.Infix in
let len = Lwt_io.buffer_size ic in
let buf = Bigstring.create len in
(fun () ->
Lwt_io.read_into_bigstring ic buf 0 len >|= function
| 0 -> None
| len -> Some { buf; pos = 0; len })
Example 3: Make a feed
function from a string Lwt_stream.t
let feed_stream stream =
SZXX.Zip.String (fun () -> Lwt_stream.get stream)
It's a convenient way to expose this sort of functionality. Unfortunately it forces this library to also return a promise to pass back errors that killed the stream half way through. A future version might improve on this.
Yes, with js_of_ocaml! Performance only drops by about 60% compared to a binary.
You'll need to pin a fork of Angstrom. In your OPAM file:
pin-depends: [
[ "angstrom.0.15.0.lazy" "git+" ]
depends: [
# ...other dependencies...
"angstrom" { = "0.15.0.lazy" }
Not really. It's fine.
Streaming data is always going to be slower than deserializing a whole file into memory.
It takes a lot of processing to extract each row from an XLSX file: ZIP is a format designed for floppy disks and old hard drives, XML is far from efficient, and XLSX requires reading a lot of XML data just to produce one row of data.
Using 1 core on an older 2017 Macbook Pro, SZXX processes an enormous 107MB, 28-column x 1,048,576-row XLSX file in 160 seconds using only 27MB of memory. The same file takes 70 seconds to open in LibreOffice using 2 cores and 1.8GB of memory.