
A library for type safe encoding and decoding messages.

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


messages is a library for type safe encoding and decoding messages.

This library allow you to describe messages in json, and automaticaly generate encoder and decoder, with Ezjsonm, or Js_of_ocaml. This allow you to share the code between the javascript client and the server.


Simple example

(* Declare the message.

The message is a pair of a numeric id, and a text value *)
module Content(T:Messages.S) = struct

  open T
  let content
    : ([`Id] int_atom * [`Value] str_atom, 'a) app
    = pair
      (int_atom `Id)
      (str_atom `Value)


(* Encode the values in json *)
module Encode = Content(Messages_json.Encode)
let json:Ezjsonm.t =
     Encode.content (5L, "value")
  |> Messages_json.Encode.process

(* Extract the result *)
module Decode = Content(Messages_json.Decode)
let id, value =
     Messages_json.Decode.process json
  |> Decode.content

let () =
  Printf.printf "%Ld, %s\n" id value

5, value

Declaring the signature

The message has to be declared inside it's own module. The module is parametrized in order to declare if the message has to be encoded or decoded.

The type app

The type app represent the process of encoding or decoding the message. For example

(* Generic type in the message *)
type t = ([`Id] int_atom, 'a) app

(* Representation in message encoding *)
type t_encode = int -> [`Id] int_atom t

(* Representation in message decoding *)
type t_decode = [`Id] int_atom t -> int

The type checker automaticaly derive the type from the signature, and deduce that the parameter is an int here.


Each primitive takes a tag (like `Id in the example) , which is not encoded in the message, but is used in the message signature.

The basic primitives types are handled :

string:val str_atom: -> 'a -> ('a str_atom, string) app
integer:val int_atom: -> 'a -> ('a int_atom, int) app
boolean:val bool_atom: -> 'a -> ('a bool_atom, bool) app
float:val float_atom: -> 'a -> ('a float_atom, bool) app

Basic types

Types option and list are natively translated, and some types are provided for pair and 3-uplet. A type named either allow to merge multiple types into a single one.

Declaring new types

Extending the library

You can extends the library with your new type. Let say you want for example encode arrays natively :

First you have to declare the new signature :

module type Custom = sig
  include Messages.S

  val array: ('a, 'b) app -> ('a array, 'b array) app

and then create your own encoder and decoder :

module EncodeArray = struct
  include Messages_json.Encode

  let array
    : ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a array -> 'b array t
    = fun f arr ->
      let to_, from = custom in
      to_ (Ezjsonm.list (fun v -> from (f v)) (Array.to_list arr))

module DecodeArray = struct
  include Messages_json.Decode

  let array
    : ('a t -> 'b) -> 'a array t -> 'b array
    = fun f arr ->
      let to_, from = custom in
      Array.of_list (Ezjsonm.get_list (fun v -> f (from v)) (to_ arr))

Abstract types

The type atom is untyped and allow you to encode anything :

let value_str:[`Value] atom t = Encode.(atom `Value (str_atom `Str "string")) in
let value_int:[`Value] atom t = Encode.(atom `Value (int_atom `Int 23L)) in

This is however completely untyped :

let value:[`Value] atom t =let _ = Decode.(str_atom `Str (atom `Value value)) in
let _ = Decode.(int_atom `Int (atom `Value value)) in

The library does not provide any check when decoding the message. The Ezjsonm implementation will raise exception Parse_error of value * string, but the behavior in the Js_of_ocaml implementation is not specified.

The type value cannot be used inside the message signature :

(* Error: The type of this module,
     functor (T : Messages.S) ->
       sig val content : ([ `Value ] T.atom, '_weak1 T.t) T.app end,
     contains type variables that cannot be generalized
module ContentValue(T:Messages.S) = struct

  open T
  let content
    : ([`Value] atom, 'a) app
    = (atom `Value)


but you can bypass with restriction with the function inject which let you create (or extract) the type directly :

module ContentValue(T:Messages.S) = struct

  open T
  let content
    : ([`Value] atom, 'a) app
    = inject



All the code is provided under the MIT license.

(See LICENSE.txt)