
Deploy the Socks Shop microservice application on Kubernetes using Infrastructure as Code (IaC), emphasizing readability, maintainability, and DevOps practices.

Tools and Technologies

  1. IaaS Provider: AWS
  2. Infrastructure Provisioning: Terraform
  3. Configuration Management: Ansible
  4. Container Orchestration: Kubernetes (EKS on azure)
  5. Monitoring: Prometheus
  6. Certificate Management: Cert-Manager with Let's Encrypt
  7. Logging: Fluentd, Elasticsearch, Kibana (or similar stack)
  8. CI/CD: GitHub Actions.
  9. Security: Ansible Vault, network policies, security groups

Steps to achieve this projects

Set Up IaaS Provider

Create an Azure account and set up necessary IAM roles and policies.

Install Necessary Tools

AWS CLI Terraform kubectl Helm Ansible Cert-Manager Prometheus, Ansible Vault.

Provision Infrastructure with Terraform

Define a Terraform script to provision Azure infrastructure including VPC, subnets, EKS cluster, and necessary IAM roles and security groups.

Configure Kubernetes with Ansible

Create an Ansible playbook to install Helm, deploy Cert-Manager, Prometheus, and the Socks Shop application. Set Up HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt

Configure Cert-Manager to obtain and manage Let's Encrypt certificates.

Set up an Ingress resource in Kubernetes to use the certificates for HTTPS.

Set Up Monitoring with Prometheus

Deploy Prometheus to monitor the Kubernetes cluster and the Socks Shop application.

Set Up Logging

Implement a logging solution using tools like Fluentd, Elasticsearch, and Kibana to collect and visualize logs.

Secure the Infrastructure

Implement security measures including security groups, Kubernetes Network Policies, and use Ansible Vault to encrypt sensitive information.

Create a Deployment Pipeline

Set up a CI/CD pipeline with tools like GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or GitLab CI to automate the deployment process.