


The Currency Converter app is a simple Android application that allows users to convert currency from one denomination to another.


  • Currency conversion between various currencies including Nigerian naira, USD, GBP, EUR, and Bitcoin.
  • User-friendly interface with radio buttons for currency selection.
  • Option to round up the converted amount.


To use the Currency Converter app, follow these steps:

  • Clone this repository or download the source code.
  • Open the project in Android Studio.
  • Build and run the app on your Android device or emulator.

Demo on Appetizer


  • Launch the app on your Android device.
  • Select the currency you want to convert from by clicking on the arrow icon next to the "Amount" field.
  • Choose the currency you want to convert to by clicking on the arrow icon next to the "Bottom text field".
  • Enter the amount you wish to convert in the input field labeled "Amount."
  • Optionally, you can enable the "Round Up" switch to round up the converted amount.
  • Click the "Convert" Image button to see the converted amount in the "Bottom text field".


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Libraries and Dependencies

The Currency Converter app uses the following libraries and dependencies:

  • AndroidX: AndroidX libraries for app compatibility and user interface components.
  • Data Binding: Used for binding UI components in XML layouts to data sources.
  • NumberFormat: Utilized to format currency values.
  • Locale: Used to specify currency formatting for different regions.

SDK Requirements

  • Minimum SDK Requirement --- API 24 Android 7.0 (Nougat)

  • Target SDK Requirement –-- API 34 Android API 34