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The project only uses DICOMweb to implement the Task Performer role in the AIW-I profile of IHE.

Architecture Diagram

IHE Profile AIW-I Actor Diagram

IHE Profile AIW-I Actor Diagram

Workflow Diagram

Workflow Diagram

Resources Used

Getting Start

This project was bootstrapped with Fastify-CLI.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

To start the app in dev mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

npm start

For production mode

npm run test

Run the test cases.

Learn More

To learn Fastify, check out the Fastify documentation.

Future Features

  • Frontend Addition
    • Support for user to set up AI Service options on BlueLight
    • Support for user to set up AI Model on AI Orchestrator
  • Addition of API to retrieve AI Service settings
  • BlueLight adds interface to view Workitem (UPS)