
Stevens Institute of Technology

Primary LanguagePython


Folder structure:

  • main.py : the top most file, where the code should start.
  • printOutput.py: This will print output of the code on the console as well as in text file.
  • Initialparser.py: Tagging of each of the input based on "valid" tag. ("valid" tags are the once which will be used for the ouputing all the relevant data in the console or in the text file).
  • ./US<number>/US<number>_<name of the file seperated by underscores>.py: Individual user stories should be worked in different folders as the name suggest, as it's respective unit testing should be done in that one folder itself.

Installation and Execution:

Step-1: Create a virtual environment

For Linux/Mac:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 vir_env

source vir_env/bin/activate

check whether the virtual enviornment is properly setup and is running:

pip -V or pip --version

It should display directory where you have setup your virtual enviornment.

For Windows:

python -m venv vir_env


pip -V or pip --version

It should display directory where you have setup your virtual enviornment.

Step-2: Installing dependencies

execute the command: pip install -r requirements.txt

Step-3: Running the code

For Linux/Mac:
in the console execute the command python3 main.py

For windows:
in the console execute the command python main.py