##Programs made in AutoIT for Livestreamer##
###Clipboard version### It just runs Livestreamer after if you open the program, with the link that is on the clipboard.
So in order to use it, first you copy the link, then you open the program.
###Multibrowser version### This one is more complete.
- It checks if Livestreamer is installed, and offers to download the setup if not;
- Asks which browser you're using (TODO: Check which is open, and only ask if both are open).
- Offer you the choice of choosing a letter of your keyboard to use with CTRL to "trigger" it. (Suggestion: use 'b')
When it's triggered, it copies the URL and runs just like the Clipboard version.
####Future versions should be able to:####
- Allow selection of other qualities other than Best.
- Save Settings locally (so it doesn't ask every time it's launched).
- Only ask which browser the user wants (to detect) if both Chrome and Firefox are open/minimized.