This is an Objective-C implementation of Scanline Flood Fill Algorithm.
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Can I get the current color which is already filled when I click on any part of image?
#47 opened by sachin091922 - 6
#38 opened by goharika - 0
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whats wrong? unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer bits/component; 24 bits/pixel; 3-component color space; kCGImageAlphaNone; 2480 bytes/row
#44 opened by DevendraKadam - 2
whats wrong? unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer bits/component; 24 bits/pixel; 3-component color space; kCGImageAlphaNone; 2480 bytes/row.
#25 opened by whatya - 1
Color fill eating up borders
#43 opened by jjaaxx44 - 7
EXC BAD ACCESS in getColorCode method
#24 opened by izotx - 1
Random crash (exc bad access)
#42 opened by pavelgubarev - 2
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Flood Fill with clear color
#34 opened by chetanpanchal94 - 1
CGContextDrawImage : invalid context 0x0
#41 opened by make1a - 1
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Getting issue UIImage Scanline Floodfill[7031:122488] [Unknown process name] CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
#40 opened by AnilkumarRabhasa - 3
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Get the numberOfPortions to fill in the image
#37 opened by MuraliV1983 - 6
CGContextDrawImage bad access crash
#15 opened by BenBarahona - 1
EXC_BAD_ACCESS at getColorCode
#35 opened by dmaulikr - 1
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Flood Fill With Gradient
#32 opened by Asif-Rahman-Nestedapps - 1
Color at point is (0,0,0,0)
#29 opened by kcmoffat - 1
Getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS Error
#27 opened by CodeFighter-Pawn - 1
How to prevent coloring over the outlines on image?
#26 opened by msinv - 3
#23 opened by mane-sandeep - 4
Strange behavior
#2 opened by app-forma - 19
Filling color crosses the boundry
#12 opened by Quamber - 0
Color at point is (0,0,0,0)
#28 opened by kcmoffat - 8
More options to be perfect
#22 opened by paulocoutinhox - 12
On fill Color area of image are clear only white screen disply and got log like following
#17 opened by nitingohel - 3
Found a problem
#14 opened by mristuccia - 2
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Strange behavior 2
#9 opened by leitlia - 4
Problem with retina display
#8 opened by skyman76 - 5
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How to modify the algorithm if the UIImageView is put inside a UIScrollView with zoomScale > 1?
#6 opened by ayhoihang - 1
The filling algorithm is not correct when the autoresizeing mask of the UIImageView is the default value
#5 opened by ayhoihang