
User Authentication workflow made with the MERN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

User Authentication with Redux Toolkit

Authentication workflow built with the MERN stack & Redux Toolkit. Project demo here

Redux Toolkit authentication demo


  • User Authentication — Login & Register
  • Protected routes with React Router v6
  • JWT storage with localStorage
  • Automatically fetches user details on page load — Header.js
  • Redux Toolkit's & RTK Query


Starter files

If you're following along with the blog post, clone the starter-files branch with the following command:

git clone --branch starter-files --single-branch https://github.com/Chinwike1/redux-user-auth.git

ES Modules in Node

ECMAScript is used on the backend instead of CommonJS. This requires you to add the .js extension when importing a file — not package.

MongoDB Setup

Follow this guide on "Getting started with MongoDB Atlas" to setup your database.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are shown in .env.example files.

Install Dependencies

Run this command to install dependencies in both the backend & frontend folders:

  npm install && cd frontend && npm install

Start development server

  # Run frontend (:5173) & backend (:5000)
  npm run dev

  # Run backend only
  npm run server

  # Run frontend only
  npm run client


  • Update the authentication mechanism to use Cookies instead of WebStorage(Local or Session)


GPL-3.0 — Open source license. Software can be used, copied, modified, e.t.c, free of charge.