Object Relations Practice

We have four models: Recipe, Restaurant, RestuarantOwner and MenuItem.

A RestaurantOwner has many Restaurants and a Restaurant belongs to a RestaurantOwner. A Restaurant has many MenuItems and a Recipe has many MenuItems. A MenuItem belongs to a Restaurant and a Recipe.

Note: You should draw your domain on paper or on a whiteboard before you start coding. Remember to identify a single source of truth for your data.


Fork this repository and add your instructor as a collaborator.

To get started, run bundle install while inside of this directory.

Build out all of the methods listed in the deliverables. Commit after each section of deliverables (ie Initializers, Readers, and Writers is one section). If directed to by your lead, please wait for feedback before tackling additional deliverables. You can also do this by choice. In either case, make sure to message your lead when you have deliverables pushed for review.


Write the following methods in the classes in the files provided. Feel free to build out any helper methods if needed.

Deliverables use the notation # for instance methods, and . for class methods.

TESTING: As you build ensure you are testing every method by running ruby tools/console.rb, creating instances, and checking each method one by one!

Initializers, Readers, and Writers

  • For these, the initialize is described as well was what attribute can(not) be changed after initialization. Use those descriptions to determine the appropriate readers and writers.


  • Recipe#initialize(name, description)
    • A recipe should be initialized with a name (string) and a description (string).
    • The name cannot be changed after the recipe is initialized.
    • The description can be changed after the recipe is initialized.
    • Both name and description are readable
  • Recipe.all
    • Returns an array of all recipe instances that have been created.


  • Restaurant#initialize(owner, name, star_rating)
    • A restaurant should be initialized with a RestaurantOwner instance, a name (string) and a star_rating (integer).
    • The name and star_rating can be changed after the restaurant is initialized.
    • Both name and star_rating are readable.
  • Restaurant.all
    • Returns an array of all restaurant instances that have been created.


  • RestaurantOwner#initialize(name, age)
    • A restaurant_owner should be initialized with a name (string) and an age (integer).
    • The name and age can be changed after the restaurant_owner is initialized.
    • Both name and age are readable.
  • RestaurantOwner.all
    • Returns an array of all restaurant_owner instances that have been created.


  • MenuItem#initialize(restaurant, recipe, price)
    • A menu_item should be initialized with a Restaurant instance, a Recipe instance and a price (float).
    • The price can be changed after the menu_item is initialized.
  • MenuItem.all
    • Returns an array of all menu_item instances that have been created.

Object Relationship Methods


  • Recipe#menu_items
    • returns an array of all the MenuItem instances for the Recipe.
  • Recipe#restaurants
    • returns an array of all the Restaurant instances that have the Recipe on their menu.


  • Restaurant#menu_items
    • returns an array of all the MenuItem instances for the Restaurant.
  • Restaurant#owner
    • returns the RestaurantOwner instance associated with the Restaurant instance
  • Restaurant#recipes
    • returns an array of all the Recipe instances that are on this Restaurants menu.


  • RestaurantOwner#restaurants
    • returns an array of Restaurant instances associated with the RestaurantOwner instance.
  • RestaurantOwner#menu_items
    • returns an array of MenuItem instances associated with any of the RestaurantOwners Restaurant instances.


  • MenuItem#recipe
    • returns the Recipe instance associated with the MenuItem instance
  • MenuItem#restaurant
    • returns the Restaurant instance associated with the MenuItem instance
  • MenuItem#owner
    • returns the Owner instance associated with the MenuItem instance

Aggregate and Association Methods


  • Recipe#average_price
    • returns the average price (integer) for all MenuItem instances of this Recipe instance.
  • Recipe#highest_price
    • returns the highest price (integer) for all MenuItem instances of this Recipe instance.
  • Recipe#cheapest_restaurant
    • returns the Restaurant instance where this Recipe instance is the cheapest.
  • Recipe.inactive
    • returns an array of Recipe instances that are not currently being sold at any restaurants.


  • Restaurant#has_dish?(recipe)
    • returns true if the dish is on the menu at the given restaurant and false if it is not.
  • Restaurant.highest_rated
    • returns the highest rated Restaurant instance.


  • RestaurantOwner.average_age
    • returns the average age of all the RestaurantOwners
  • RestaurantOwner#sell_restaurant(restaurant, buyer)
    • transfers ownership of a Restaurant instance (which must belong to the current user) to the buyer which is a RestaurantOwner instance.


  • MenuItem.most_expensive_item
    • returns the most expensive MenuItem instance