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Music streaming app written in Javascript with 0 external dependencies.

  • Music streaming app written in Javascript with no external dependencies.
  • Developed NodeJs server that supports HTTP 206 Partial Content Streaming.
  • Created responsive and interactive UI purely using Vanilla Javascript.
  • Deployed on AWS with the NodeJS Backend running inside a docker container and Frontend behind apache docker container

Key concepts used:

  • Partial Content Streaming
  • Node.js streams
  • HTMLMediaElement Events
  • DOM Events


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Supports HTTP 206 Partial Content Streaming

HTTP 206 Partial Content Streaming is widely used by major apps such as Youtube, Twitch and other streaming platforms.

When the client requests for a file the server instead of sending the complete file, only sends a part of it. For example:


The server's response to this will include Accept-Raneges, Content-Range, Content-Length Headers indicating that the server supports HTTP 206.

Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Range: bytes 0-6287588/6287589
Content-Length: 512000

Client can make requests by specifying the required bytes in the Range header.

Range: bytes=512000-