Diabetes Predictor GCP Deployment Walkthrough

By using Vertex AI by GCP one can deploy models easily that are trained by frameworks like scikit-learn, pytorch, tensorflow and xgboost.

Information about Dataset and Model

Dataset taken from Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/uciml/pima-indians-diabetes-database

The GradientBoost model in pickle format is available in the repo so you can just clone the repo to get started.

git clone https://github.com/ChiragChauhan4579/Diabetes-Predicor-GCP

To install required libraries run this command

pip install -r requirements.txt

GCP API creation

Lets start by storing the models pickled file on cloud storage. To do this search for Cloud Storage on GCP console and then create a bucket there with your required configurations. After createing the bucket you can see various upload options so upload your pkl file through that.

Hosting the model on Vertex AI platform

  • Search Vertex AI and go to the model registry through the left hand pane in the there. Click on Import button to start registering a new model by giving it a name.
  • In model settings section choose the framework, its version (here the version is 0.20) and pickled model location.
  • If you want explainability you can choose it or skip.
  • Finally click the import button. Model import will take some time.
  • Create the endpoint of that model by going to endpoint section in left pane.

Note: Your model name should be strictly model.pkl

gcloud cli install and setup

  • Install the cli using this link
  • Create the credential file as mentioned in instructions using gcloud auth application-default login

Streamlit app

Run the application after changing the file as

  • Give the endpoint deployed region in predict_class argument api_endpoint.
  • Input your details when calling predict_class function by going to sample request -> python in created endpoint of vertex ai.
    predict_class( project="ENTER YOUR DETAILS", endpoint_id="ENTER YOUR DETAILS", location="ENTER YOUR DETAILS", instances=[preg,gluc,bp,sth,insu,bmi, dpf,age])
streamlit run app.py

