
This Android Application employs an MVVM architecture, leveraging Jetpack Compose, Kotlin, Retrofit, Coroutines, Flow, StateFlow, Dagger-Hilt, WorkManager, Room among other technologies.

Primary LanguageKotlin

NewsApp with MVVM Architecture

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The repository takes you on an extensive Android development journey using the MVVM architecture, powered by cutting-edge technologies, showcased through various branches.

  1. with_xml_and_dagger) :
    Initial implementation featuring traditional UI with XML layouts, employing Dagger 2 for dependency injection.
  2. with_xml_and_dagger_hilt:
    Evolutionary stage integrating Hilt, transitioning from Dagger 2, while retaining XML layouts.
  3. with_jetpack_compose_and_hilt:
    Advanced transformation phase, integrating Dagger Hilt alongside the transition from XML layouts to Jetpack Compose, marking a modernized UI approach.
  4. main :
    The final version incorporates Jetpack Compose for the user interface, Dagger Hilt for managing dependencies, and Room database for handling data, making it the most up-to-date iteration of the architecture.

Fuled with bellow technologies

  • MVVM Architecture
  • Kotlin
  • Dagger2
  • Hilt
  • Retrofit
  • Coroutines
  • Stateflow
  • Flows and operators
  • View binding
  • Jetpack Compose
  • Room database
  • Worker
  • Navigation with Compose

Features Implemeted

  • News Fetching
  • Top Headlines
  • News by Source
  • News by Country
  • News by Language
  • Search News by Text
  • Offline Mode
  • Automatic Morning News Fetch using Worker
  • Notifications after News Fetch
  • Pagination for Top Headlines

Application Architecture


Application's package and file structure is depicted bellow

`-- com
`-- sanket
`-- newsapp
|-- NewsApplication.kt
|-- apputils
|   |-- Constants.kt
|   |-- IOUtils.kt
|   |-- NetworkHelper.kt
|   |-- NetworkHelperImpl.kt
|   |-- TimeUtil.kt
|   |-- logger
|   |   |-- AppLogger.kt
|   |   `-- Logger.kt
|   `-- typealias.kt
|-- data
|   |-- api
|   |   |-- HeaderInterceptor.kt
|   |   `-- NetworkService.kt
|   |-- local
|   |   |-- AppDatabase.kt
|   |   |-- AppDatabaseService.kt
|   |   |-- DatabaseService.kt
|   |   |-- dao
|   |   |   `-- NewsArticlesDao.kt
|   |   `-- entity
|   |       |-- Article.kt
|   |       `-- Source.kt
|   |-- model
|   |   |-- ApiArticle.kt
|   |   |-- ApiSource.kt
|   |   |-- Country.kt
|   |   |-- Language.kt
|   |   |-- NewsSourcesResponse.kt
|   |   `-- TopHeadlineResponse.kt
|   `-- repository
|       |-- CountriesRepository.kt
|       |-- LanguagesRepository.kt
|       |-- NewsSourceRepository.kt
|       |-- TopHeadlinePagingSource.kt
|       `-- TopHeadlineRepository.kt
|-- di
|   |-- module
|   |   |-- ActivityModule.kt
|   |   `-- ApplicationModule.kt
|   `-- qualifier.kt
|-- notifications
|   `-- NotificationHelper.kt
|-- ui
|   |-- base
|   |   |-- BaseActivity.kt
|   |   |-- CommonUi.kt
|   |   |-- NewsNavHost.kt
|   |   `-- UiState.kt
|   |-- countries
|   |   |-- CountriesScreen.kt
|   |   `-- CountriesViewModel.kt
|   |-- home
|   |   |-- HomeActivity.kt
|   |   `-- HomeScreen.kt
|   |-- language
|   |   |-- LanguageViewModel.kt
|   |   `-- LanguagesScreen.kt
|   |-- newssource
|   |   |-- NewsSourceViewModel.kt
|   |   `-- SourcesScreen.kt
|   |-- offlinearticle
|   |   |-- OfflineArticleScreen.kt
|   |   `-- OfflineArticleViewModel.kt
|   |-- pagination
|   |   |-- PaginationTopHeadlineScreen.kt
|   |   `-- PaginationTopHeadlineViewModel.kt
|   |-- search
|   |   |-- SaerchScreen.kt
|   |   `-- SearchViewModel.kt
|   |-- theme
|   |   |-- Color.kt
|   |   |-- Theme.kt
|   |   `-- Type.kt
|   `-- topheadline
|       |-- TopHeadLineScreen.kt
|       `-- TopHeadlineViewModel.kt
`-- worker
`-- NewsWorker.kt



🚀 About Me


I am Sanket Patel, a Lead Android Developer with a passion for coding and technology. I specialize in crafting innovative solutions and thrive on challenges. During the day, I'm fully immersed in app development, and after hours, I stay up-to-date with the latest tech trends. If you have any questions or need assistance with anything Android-related, let's connect and dive into all things software development together!