
Install Rust & Cargo

You must first install rustup, which sets up Cargo and Rust on your PC. Install rustup for your platform by going to Rustup


You should see something like the screenshot below after successfully installing Rust and Cargo on your system.


Install Wasm

Installing Wasm, which will be used for building contracts, requires copying and pasting this command into a terminal.

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown


Installing the Concordium software package is the next step.
To download it, click on this link.
First, rename the cargo-concordium-v.x.x file to cargo-concordium.
The tool should be placed in your PATH use these commands to do so

sudo chmod +x cargo-concordium
mv cargo-concordium ~/.cargo/bin



Install Concordium Client

Concordium-client is a command line tool that is used in the tutorials for deployment, minting, and transfer. You can get it here. If the package has any version annotations, rename it to concordium-client.

Install Concordium-Client

Then run this command in the terminal
chmod +x concordium-client

Use the following command to see if concordium-client can be launched:
concordium-client --help


Check the installation and connect to the testnet node

You can connect to the public node with the following command:
concordium-client consensus status --grpc-port 10000 --grpc-ip


Setting up Wallet

Your Concordium wallet is now necessary. Utilize the Concordium Web Wallet. A 24-word secret recovery phrase is used by the Concordium Wallet for Web to protect your wallet. Ensure that you safeguard your 24-word secret recovery phrase and keep it in a safe location.

Create an identity based on the Concordium testnet IP (illustrated below) and configure it to run on testnet with an account based on that identity. When choosing a Concordium testnet IP, you are not required to provide an ID in order to create an identity on the testnet. Only the testnet can use test identities.

To obtain 2000 CCDs for testing, use your account's Testnet faucet.

Exporting and Importing Private Key

Click on the export button in the wallet which should download a .export file to your downloads folder

Now import the key using terminal by using the command shown below
concordium-client config account import --name

Concordium Mainnet Address
