
How to run

At the Package directory, start jupyter notebook by running jupyter notebook. All experiments are under the notebooks directory,

Finding Equilibrium pose

Run Equilibrium finder (ipopt).ipynb. This should save a file called ipopt_eq_poimt.toml that contains x_eq, u_eq, and \lambda_eq for eq state, control, and ground reaction forces.

Finding LQR Gains

Run MaximalCoordinateLqr.ipynb. This should output a delimited file called maximal_lqr_gain.txt that stores the 36x12 error feedback gain matrix.


Run BalanceSim.ipynb for a constrained semi-implicit euler integration simulation. It will load in ipopt_eq_poimt.toml and maximal_lqr_gain.txt.

Function docs

For some documentation and examples on some of the core functions, run UsefulFunctions.ipynb.