
With the end of Moore’s law approaching and Dennard scaling ending, the computing community is increasingly looking at new technologies to enable continued performance improvements. A neuromorphic computer is a nonvon Neumann computer whose structure and function are inspired by biology and physics. Today, such systems can be built and operated usi

Dynex: A scalable and reliable platform for computing beyond Moore’s law

Dynex Developers


With the end of Moore’s law approaching and Dennard scaling ending, the computing community is increasingly looking at new technologies to enable continued performance improvements. A neuromorphic computer is a nonvon Neumann computer whose structure and function are inspired by biology and physics. Today, such systems can be built and operated using existing technology, even at scale, and are capable of outperforming current quantum computers.

Dynex is a next-generation platform for neuromorphic computing based on a new flexible blockchain protocol. It is designed for the development of software applications and algorithms that utilize neuromorphic hardware and are capable of accelerating computation. To accomplish this goal, the platform connects hosts that are running clusters of neuromorphic chips with users and applications that utilize this next-generation hardware. On the Dynex platform, computation time is exchanged for the Dynex native token.

Dynex has also developed a proprietary circuit design, the Dynex Neuromorphic Chip, that complements the Dynex ecosystem and turns any modern field programmable gate array (FPGA) based chip into a neuromorphic computing chip that can perform orders of magnitude faster than classical or quantum methodologies for a wide range of applications. Due to the dominance of ASICs in the proof-of-work token mining industry, there is a large amount of dormant FPGA infrastructure available which can be converted into high performance next-generation neuromorphic computing clusters.