The application has been published onto the market for easy access:
Make sure you have installed the Android SDK then:
cd into seadroid directory
file or simply
and change configurations to match yours. -
Create keystore file if you don't have one
keytool -genkey -v -keystore app/debug.keystore -alias AndroidDebugKey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 1 -storepass android -keypass android -dname "cn=TEST, ou=TEST, o=TEST, c=TE"
- Build with
./gradlew assembleRelease
You will get app/build/outputs/apk/seafile-${versionName}.apk
after the build finishes.
- Android Studio
- OpenJDK 7 / OracleJDK 7
- Open Android Studio
- Import project
- Select seadroid directory
- Choose import from gradle
- Click next until import is completed
For those who are using maven build structures, checkout the project from maven branch.
Please submit translations via Transifex:
- Create a free account on Transifex (
- Send a request to join the language translation.
- After accepted by the project maintainer, then you can upload your file or translate online.