CrystalChocolate 🍫

CrystalChocolate will be a Standalone electron based program to show the management of the funds given by the early-adopters for the creation of the "". The first version is connected to the API Kraken's account of the Bit&Nibs project to show the funds saved in that exchange. Funds will be used for pay marketing and developing process. Every one might see how money is spent. The main idea is to involve developers from all the World to dream, to think and to build a fair dApp about chocolate and a better world.

Install CrystalChocolate

CrystalChocolate requires Node.js v4+ to run.

$ git clone
$ cd CrystalChocolate
$ npm install
$ npm start

CrystalChocolate runs with electron 2.0.14 to be friendly with the raspeberry PI. If you have already install electron with another version it could be source of a problem to visualize the funds saved in


Want to contibute? Great!

First of all, CrystalChocolate is a project to have fun, but we take people's work very seriously. We are working to place the backlog of the project here. For each task performed, we will offer good bounties 💰 from the funds shown in the API, or in the absence of funds, we will pay with project's tokens which will be repurchased with € or $ as soon as we have availability. Currently the project has a monthly entrance of about $ 500. 👨‍💻

CrystalChocolate is still so rough!

Yes, I know, I should be a better developer, even if I'm giving my best. But my idea is collaboration is stronger than competiton. I kwnow that working together we'll build a wonderful program and make it shine brighter than a diamond. 💎

Invest 💰 in 🍫

We're integrating an ethereum wallet into CrystalChocolate. So if you are willing to participate, but your skills as developer aren't good enough yet, You could considerate support the work of other developers. The money from tokens you will buy will be saved in the Kraken acount and eventualy will be given as bounties to the developers who help us to build the


We're working thinking that our final customers will not be passives consumers. We want to create with then a Universe full of magic but in collaboration with all the creative energy that they have. In any case, to help create such a wonderful Universe we help with few main characters.





