Home Library Service




For Linux users follow here. Here's a simple installation guide in case you're using Arch or its derivatives


# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ChocolateNao/nodejs2024Q1-service.git

# Navigate to the folder
cd ./nodejs2024Q1-service

# Switch to the development branch
git checkout feat/containerization-database-orm

# Set up the .env file
cp .env.example .env

Installing NPM modules

npm install

# In case of using yarn
yarn install

# In case of using pnpm
pnpm install

Running application

🐳 The Docker Way (Preferable)

Docker compose file inside a root folder reates two containers:

Name Address Base Image
app-container>4000/tcp node:lts-alpine3.19
postgres-container>5432/tcp postgres:alpine3.19

Pull Image

You can pull the image from the official registry

docker pull choconao/rest-music-service

Run docker-compose.yml

To bootstrap the application with database included simply run

docker compose up -d


To stop all containers and its volumes/images associated with it (optionally) (i.e clear database, delete node_modules) run the following command

# Stop all running containers
docker compose down

# Stop containers and delete ALL volumes
docker compose down --volumes

# Stop containers and delete ALL volumes AND ALL images
docker compose down --volumes --rmi=all

To check the size of your images

docker images

To scan the built image for vulnerabilities run the npm script

You have to be logged in into docker with docker login command as this script uses docker scout under the hood.

npm run scan:app

The Traditional Way

Before starting the apllication the traditional way, you have to unstall PostgreSQL locally on your machine. Then, you have to point the app to the database i.e edit .env DATABASE_URL variable from postgres to localhost. This way you will be able to also reach the database inside a container. By default it's set to reach the containder's network.

# Generate SQL migration files
npx prisma migrate dev --name run

# Run the spplication
npm start

After starting the app on port (4000 as default or the one configured in .env) you can open in your browser OpenAPI documentation by typing http://localhost:4000/doc/. For more information about OpenAPI/Swagger please visit https://swagger.io/.


After application running open new terminal and enter:

To run all tests without authorization

npx jest test/*.e2e.spec.ts

To run only one of all test suites

npm run test -- <path to suite>

To run all test with authorization

npm run test:auth

To run only specific test suite with authorization

npm run test:auth -- <path to suite>

Auto-fix and format

npm run lint
npm run format

Debugging in VSCode

Press F5 to debug.

For more information, visit: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/debugging