A simple Rest API generator

You can create apps to use our Rest API generator to make APIs and use them in your projects without backend knowledge

Features ⚡️

  • Authentication
  • Pagination

Fields of usage ✨

  • E-commerce

Contribution ❤️💻☕️

Set up local environment

  • Clone repository git clone https://github.com/ChogirmaliYigit/simple-api-generator.git
  • Run bash set_pre_commit.sh to set the pre-commit to make your code beautiful.
  • Run cp .env.example .env. Then configure the .env file's constants.
  • Create an environment using command python -m venv venv for Windows and python3 -m venv venv for Unix-based OS.
  • Install requirements using command pip install -r requirements.txt for Windows and pip3 install -r requirements.txt for Unix-based OS.
  • After configure your database, you can run python manage.py makemigrations and python manage.py migrate.
  • Also run the commands: python manage.py collectstatic and python manage.py compilemessages
  • Create a superuser using the command python manage.py createsuperuser and start development!

Useful commands

  • If you want to create an app, you need to go to the apps directory using command cd apps/ and run this command: python ../manage.py startapp <app_name>