
Powershell script to git clone, compile, obfuscate, encrypt, and donut .NET assemblies

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Powershell script that git-clones, compiles, obfuscates, donuts, and encrypts .NET assemblies. This project is pretty much a (scuffed and worse) powershell port of OffensivePipeline.

You probably want to use an actual CI/CD pipeline instead of this half-baked powershell script. At most this would be useful for homelabs and personal use.

For a real CI/CD pipeline, consider using something with Azure like @Flangvik's SharpCollection

All credits goes to :




(From OffensivePipeline README)

  1. Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=BuildTools&rel=16
  • Install .NET Desktop build tools
  1. nuget.exe, Confuser.CLI.exe, git.exe, donut.exe in your PATH environment. The script will download/recommend these binaries, but you have to manually put these in your PATH.

  2. .NET 3.5.1 for some tools

  3. Turn off Windows Defender you dummy!


  1. Check all the requirements

  2. Modify the tools.json's output directory

    "outDir": "c:\\dev\\testo\\",
    "tools": [
    . . .
  1. Start a powershell console with execution policy bypassed, and have fun!
powershell -exec bypass 
. ./Invoke-PrepareAssembly


  • Currently "arch" is broken. Suggest just keeping it as Any CPU. If you specifically want x64 or x86, change it inside Visual studio. Need to research how to do this programmatically, tbd.


# All switches at the same time
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -gitclone -compile -obfuscate 
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -compile -obfuscate

# One switch at a time  
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -gitclone 
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -compile 
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -obfuscate
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -encrypt -key "single key encrypting all tools ohnononono"

# Only specific tool - Ex. Seatbelt
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -toolname SeatBelt -gitclone -compile -obfuscate -encrypt -key "encryptmeplease"
Invoke-PrepareAssembly -jsonfile ./tools.json -toolname SeatBelt -compile -obfuscate

Single file mode - Currently NOT implemented, half broken.

Invoke-PrepareAssembly -gitlink <git> -gitclone 

Invoke-PrepareAssembly -slnPath <path_to_sln_file> -outDir <output_directory> -compile 

Invoke-PrepareAssembly -inFile <path_to_assembly> -outDir <output_directory> -obfuscate 

Invoke-PrepareAssembly -inFile <path_to_assembly> -outDir <output_directory> -encrypt -key "Hello World"

Invoke-PrepareAssembly -infile <path_to_assembly> -donut 

Invoke-PrepareAssembly -infile <path_to_assembly> -donut -donutArgs <donut.exe_arguments>

Switches and Flags for Single File Mode

  • TBH this is half implemented half broken, suggest using the jsonFile mode.
Switches Mandatory Flags Optional Flags
-gitclone -gitLink, -outDir N/A
-compile -slnPath, -outDir -arch, -outputType, -dotnetVersion
-obfuscate -inFile, -slnPath, -outDir -confuserConfig, -level
-encrypt -key
-donut -inFile -donutArgs

Modifying ConfuserEx configuration

  • Configure the config in the source code (for now)
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='ConfuserEx configuration XML file path. If not provided, use a default one.')]
[string] $confuserConfig = 
<project outputDir="{{OUTPUT_DIR}}" baseDir="{{BASE_DIR}}" xmlns="http://www.google.com">
    <packer id="compressor" />  
    <rule pattern="true" preset="{{LEVEL}}" inherit="false">
        <protection id="anti ildasm" />
        <protection id="anti debug" action="remove" /> <!-- this breaks Assembly.Load. Maybe just use donut?  -->
        <protection id="anti dump" />
        <protection id="anti tamper" action="remove" /> <!-- this breaks Assembly.Load. Maybe just use donut?  -->
        <protection id="invalid metadata" />
        <protection id="resources" />
        <protection id="constants" />
        <protection id="ctrl flow" />
        <protection id="rename" action="remove" /> <!-- This just killed seatbelt for some reason --> 
    <module path="{{MODULE_PATH}}" />
    <!-- CopyReferences will add more modules and close off the </project> element  -->

Why create a worse version of OffensivePipeline?

I am a wheel re-inventing addict and I wanted to practice writing powershell scripts.


  • Simple C# binary that will load or decrypt+load assembly. Use for sanity check after obfuscating and encrypting through Invoke-PrepareAssembly.
PS> .\decryptTest.exe

  Required option 'f, file' is missing.

  -f, --file          Required. File to load and execute

  -k, --key           Key for decrypting. Automatically AES256 decrypt, load, and execute

  -p, --parameters    Optional parameter when executing the assembly

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.
.\decryptTest.exe -f <confused/compiled Assembly>
.\decryptTest.exe -f <confused/compiled Assembly> -p <parameter>
.\decryptTest.exe -f <confused/compiled Assembly> -k "decryptKey"
.\decryptTest.exe -f <confused/compiled Assembly> -k "decryptKey" -p <parameter>

.\decryptTest.exe -f C:\dev\test3\Confused\Rubeus_49an72dz.exe 
.\decryptTest.exe -f C:\dev\test3\Confused\Rubeus_49an72dz.exe -p triage
.\decryptTest.exe -f C:\dev\test3\Confused\Rubeus_49an72dz.exe.aes -k "testooo"
.\decryptTest.exe -f C:\dev\test3\Confused\Rubeus_49an72dz.exe.aes -k "testooo" -p "triage"
  • Couldn't figure out a way to input tac/dash/hyphen into parameter.
    • ex) .\decryptTest.exe -f <seatbelt.exe> -p "-group=user" won't work. I did some research and found enableDashDash for commandlineparser, but the struggle was too real. Skipping this for now.


Implement and fix donut

Add confuserEx config to tools.json instead?

Support base64 output for compile, obfuscate, encrypt

Support @rastamouse's dnlib adding assembly to resources to another assembly?