
havoc2nginx is a simple python script that converts Havoc Framework's yaotl malleable c2 profile to Nginx configuration file format. Most of the code and the configuration of this project came from the cs2modrewrite project (https://github.com/threatexpress/cs2modrewrite) from Joe Vest and Andrew Chiles. All credits to them.

Primary LanguagePython


havoc2nginx is a simple python script that converts Havoc Framework's yaotl malleable c2 profile to Nginx configuration file format.

Most of the code and the configuration of this project came from the cs2modrewrite project from Joe Vest and Andrew Chiles. All credits to them.


  1. Redirector server dependencies
sudo apt install -y nginx nginx-extras
  1. Run the script
python3 havoc2nginx.py  -i ./examples/example.yaotl -c -r https://www.google.com -H blog.example.com -o ./examples/example.conf
  1. Relocate the configuration file and restart nginx
sudo cp nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf    (or use terraform/ansible...) 
sudo service nginx restart


└─# python3 test.py --help 
usage: test.py [-h] -i INPUTFILE -c C2SERVER -r REDIRECT -H HOSTNAME [-d] [-o OUTPUT]

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -i INPUTFILE  C2 Profile file
  -c C2SERVER   C2 Server URL (e.g., http://teamserver_ip:1337 or https://teamserver_domain)
  -r REDIRECT   Redirect non-matching requests to this URL (https://google.com)
  -H HOSTNAME   Hostname for Nginx redirector
  -d            Include IP Denylist or not. Default False.
  -o OUTPUT     Output filename

Reference & Credits