
Stop motion video capture with the Raspberry Pi using a standard USB webcam.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Stop motion video capture with the Raspberry Pi using a standard USB webcam.

The script will create a shared folder containing the folders VIDEOS and PROJECTS if no such folders exist. The project folders are named like a time stamp in the order of YearMonthDay-HourMinuteSecond.

The key "p" will take pictures with a time stamp in the current project folder.

Pressing the numbers 1 to 5 will render MP4 movies of the individual frames in the VIDEOS folder.


The list shows the key commands and what they do

  • "p" Take picture
  • "n" Creating a new project
  • "d" Delete all frames of current project
  • "D" Delete all frames AND current project
  • "1" Render video with 10 frames per second
  • "2" Render video with 15 frames per second
  • "3" Render video with 20 frames per second
  • "4" Render video with 25 frames per second
  • "5" Render video with 30 frames per second


Clone the git repo, install the required packages, run shell script.

sudo apt-get install git fswebcam ffmpeg
git clone https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Stop-Motion-Capture.git
cd RPi-Stop-Motion-Capture/scripts/
chmod +x stopmotion.sh

Stop the script with Ctrl & C