
Make an Administrator page in 5 minutes

Primary LanguagePHP

Ladmin (Laravel Admin)

Make an Administrator page in 5 minutes

Example Image

Laravel Version

Version Laravel
v1.0.x 7.x
v1.2.x 8.x

Package Requirement


Before using this package you must already have a login page or route login route('login') for your members, you can use laravel/breeze, larave/ui or laravel jetstream.

For member pages, you should use a different guard from admin or vice versa.



You can install this package via composer:

$ composer require hexters/ladmin

Add this trait to your user model

. . .
use Hexters\Ladmin\LadminTrait;

class User extends Authenticatable {

  use Notifiable, LadminTrait;

  . . .

Publish asset and system package

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=assets --force
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=core

Attach role to user admin with database seed or other

. . .

  $role = \App\Models\Role::first();
    ->each(function($user) use ($role) {

. . .

Migrate database

$ php artisan migrate --seed

Add Ladmin route to your route project routes/web.php

. . .

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Hexters\Ladmin\Routes\Ladmin;

. . .

Ladmin::route(function() {

    Route::resource('/withdrawal', WithdrawalController::class); // Example


. . .

Create Datatables server

$ php artisan make:datatables UserDataTables  --model=User

Sidebar Menu

To add a menu open app/Menus/sidebar.php file and top_right.php

Gates & Permission

Protect your module in the Controller

. . . 
class UserController {

. . .

  public function index() {
    ladmin()->allow(['administrator.account.admin.index']) // Call the gates based on menu `app/Menus/sidebar.php`


For an other you can use @can() from blade or auth()->user()->can() more Gates

Example Image


Ladmin layout in resources/views/vendor/ladmin

Extends your content module to ladmin layout

@section('title', 'Module Title')
    <!-- Component here -->


And you can Access admin page in this link below.


Example Image

Blade Component

Card Component

<x-ladmin-card class="mb-3">
  <x-slot name="header"> <!-- not required -->
    Card Header

    Card Content

  <x-slot name="footer"> <!-- not required -->
    Card Footer
Attribute value require
class String NO

Input Component

<x-ladmin-input name="money" type="number" placeholder="Input your income">
  <x-slot name="prepend"> <!-- not required -->
    <i class="fas fa-wallet"></i>

  <x-slot name="append"> <!-- not required -->

// OR

<x-ladmin-input name="email" type="email" label="E-Mail Address" />

Attribute value require
name String YES
type String YES
label String NO
placeholder String NO
old Boolean default false NO
value String NO
required Boolean default false NO

Custom Style

Install node modules

$ npm i jquery popper.js bootstrap @fortawesome/fontawesome-free datatables.net datatables.net-bs4 --save

// OR

$ yarn add jquery popper.js bootstrap @fortawesome/fontawesome-free datatables.net datatables.net-bs4

Add this code to your webpack.mix.js file

mix.js('resources/js/ladmin/app.js', 'public/js/ladmin/app.js')
   .sass('resources/sass/ladmin/app.scss', 'public/css/ladmin/app.css');


Set the true to activated notification

. . .

'notification' => true

. . .

Send notification

    ->setTitle('new Invoice')
    ->setDescription('Pay invoice #123455')
    ->setImageLink('http://porject.test/icon-invoice.ong') // optional
    ->setGates(['administrator.accounting', 'administrator.owner']) // optional

Notification required

Option Type required Note
setTitle String YES -
setLink String YES -
setImageLink String NO -
setDescription String YES -
setGates Array YES -

Listen with Larave Echo Server

    .listen('.notification', (e) => {
        // Notification handle

Example Image