
This first module of C++ is designed to help you understand the specifities of the language when compared to C. Time to dive into Object Oriented Programming!


  • OOP

Skills :

  • Imperative programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Rigor

Module 00

Exercise Name Finished
00 Megaphone ✔️
01 My Awesome PhoneBook ✔️
02 The Job Of Your Dreams ✔️

Module 01

Exercise Name Finished
00 Heap of quadrupeds ✔️
01 Plumbing problem ✔️
02 Plucking some brains ✔️
03 Moar brainz ! ✔️
06 Unnecessary violence ✔️
07 Sed is for losers ✔️
08 I ain’t heard of no fancy switches ✔️
09 Over logging ✔️
10 Cat o’ nine tails ✔️

Module 02

Exercise Name Finished
00 My First Canonical Class ✔️
01 Towards a more useful fixed point class ✔️
02 Now we’re talking ✔️
03 Fixed point expressions

Module 03

Exercise Name Finished
00 Aaaaand... OPEN! ✔️
01 Serena, my love! ✔️
02 Repetitive work ✔️
03 Now it’s easier! ✔️
04 Ultimate assault ✔️

Module 04

Exercise Name Finished
00 Polymorphism, or "When the sorcerer thinks
you’d be cuter as a sheep"
01 I don’t want to set the world on fire ✔️
02 This code is unclean. PURIFY IT! ✔️
03 Bocal Fantasy ✔️
04 AFK Mining ✔️

Module 05

Exercise Name Finished
00 Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a bureaucrat!
01 Form up, maggots!
02 No, you need form 28B, not 28C...
03 At least this beats coffee-making
04 That’s the way I like it, nice and boring
05 Endless red-tape generator

Module 06

Exercise Name Finished
00 Scalar conversion
01 Serialization
02 Identify real type

Module 07

Exercise Name Finished
00 A few functions
01 Iter
02 Array

Module 08

Exercise Name Finished
00 Easy find
01 Span
02 Mutated abomination
03 Open your mind, but please don’t fuck it
04 In Poland, expression evaluates you