
Rainfall is an iso challenge slightly more complex than Snow Crash. You will have to dive deep into reverse engineering, learn to reconstruct a code, and understand it to detect faults.

Primary LanguageC


Alt Text


As a developer, you might have to work on softwares that will be used by hundreds of persons.

You have learned to develop more or less complex programs without taking security into account.

With this project, you will realize that your programs are full of breaches that can be easily exploitable by some malicious users. But here’s a good news: you can avoid them very easily!

Once you’re through with this project, not only will you have avoided these pitfalls, but you will have a clearer understanding of the RAM. And this will really help you design a bugless program!


This project aims to further your knowledge in the world of elf-like binary exploitation in in i386 system.

The more or less complex methods you will use will gibe you a new perspective on IT in general but mostly raise your awareness on issues coming from programming common malpractice.

You will be challenged during this project. You have to overcome these challenges by yourself. The way you’ll be dealing with these challenges must be yours and YOURS ONLY. The point is to help you develop some logic and acquire reflexes that will help you all along your career. Before asking for help, ask yourself if you have factored all the possibilities in.

Name Link
level0 FR
level1 FR
level2 FR
level3 FR
level4 FR
level5 FR
level6 FR
level7 FR
level8 FR
level8 FR
bonus0 FR
bonus1 FR
bonus2 FR
bonus3 FR
