Atmosphere Connect

Home Assistant Intregration for Atmosphere 101076TH Air Purifier (last 2 charector should't matter)
it will work with this model, for other model, your milage may vary.

How To Replace the Board

  1. First Pop out the Front Cover of your Air Purifier,
    <Picture Here>
    You only need to take out the top 5 screws and nothing else
    after you take it off it should just pop off
  2. Disconect the Old Motherboard unplug the cable and remove the old mainboard
    <Picture Here>
    in this version, since the air sensor is not working yet, you only need the 4 pin connector, ignore the other one
  3. Connect The Pico W Based On This Picure, it should give you an idea on what to do
    <Picture Here>
Color Info
Black GND
Orange Fan Control
White Not Figured Out Yet
Yellow 5V

Connect 5V to Pin 39 (VSYS)
Connect GND to GND
and Connect Orange Pin 1 (GPIO0)


  • Raspberry Pi Pico W, a $6 microcontroller board with WiFi
  • PlatformIO, an extension for VSCode with the most robust and reliable Arduino developer experience
  • arduino-pico: a community-developed Arduino core for Pico/Pico W and other RP2040 boards with constant updates and excellent support for existing Arduino code
  • arduino-home-assistant: a thorough Arduino/Home Assistant integration using MQTT

Pull requests

PRs are welcome on these points:

  • Enhance documentation (especially any troubleshooting steps you found helpful)
  • Refine project structure
  • Additional code paths to accommodate common variations (unsecured MQTT broker, different WiFi authentication, etc)
  • Fix my bad C++
  • Fix My Terrible Documentation

Questions? Comments? Gripes? Open an issue!