
It's Arystanbek, I'm a beginner in Frontend Development.

Below are the projects I did while studying Frontend.

Some are made from lessons from YouTube, they are marked with the brand '[YT]'.

My Projects

  1. [YT] Image Gallery Website | Demo

  2. [YT] Responsive Registration Form | Demo

  3. [YT] Rock Paper Scissors | Demo

  4. [YT] Snake Game | Demo

  5. [YT] Hangman Game | Demo

  6. [YT] Parallax Scrolling Website | Demo

  7. [YT] Responsive Photography Portfolio | Demo

  8. [YT] Complete Personal Portfolio | Demo

  9. Maxima Tasks | Demo

  10. [YT] Complete Hospital Website | Demo

  11. Beginner's UI | Demo

What a dogs##t, isn't it?

My last project that i posted here is flowrise you can see the demo.

It was made with Prismic CMS and [YT] guidance.

Also i did these [YT] projects (shout out to John Weeks Dev):

Still unemployed.