A SurrealDB Driver.
WARN: As of SurrealDB 1.0.0-beta.9, WebSockets in Bun currently do not work as intended. As a workaround, use HTTP-only connections. See: surrealdb/surrealdb.js#159.
Import the module from deno.land:
import { Surreal } from "https://deno.land/x/surrealism/mod.ts";
Add Surrealism as a dependency:
$ npm i surrealism
Then, import it in your code:
import { Surreal } from 'surrealism'
Alternatively, a bundle in CommonJS format is included:
const { Surreal } = require('surrealism')
// connect using an http url, with ws url inferred
const db = await Surreal
.new('http://localhost:8000', {
user: 'root',
pass: 'root',
.use({ ns: 'test', db: 'test' })
// connect using a ws url, with http url inferred
const db = await Surreal
.new('ws://localhost:8000/rpc', {
user: 'root',
pass: 'root',
.use({ ns: 'test', db: 'test' })
// connect using explicit ws and http urls,
// omitting the url removes the driver for that protocol
const db = await Surreal
http: 'http://localhost:8000',
ws: 'ws://localhost:8000/rpc',
}, {
user: 'root',
pass: 'root',
.use({ ns: 'test', db: 'test' })
// connect as a namespaced user
const db = await Surreal
.new('http://localhost:5423', {
ns: 'test',
user: 'john.doe',
pass: '123456',
.use({ ns: 'test', db: 'test' })
// connect as a scoped user
const db = await Surreal
.new('http://localhost:5423', {
ns: 'test',
db: 'test',
sc: 'user_scope',
user: 'john.doe',
pass: '123456',
// for modern environments with explicit resource management,
// async disposal is available for the ws driver
await using db = await Surreal
.new('ws://localhost:5423/rpc', {
user: 'root',
pass: 'root',
.use({ ns: 'test', db: 'test' })
await db.use({ ns: 'foo', db: 'bar' })
// get all records on table "foo"
const result = await db.get('foo')
// get record with id "bar" on table "foo"
const result = await db.get('foo', 'bar')
Works with: HTTP, WS driver
// create a new record on table "foo" with random id
const result = await db.create('foo', { value: 0 })
// create a new record with id "bar" on table "foo"
const result = await db.create('foo', 'bar', { value: 0 })
Works with: HTTP, WS driver
// delete all records in table "foo"
const result = await db.delete('foo')
// delete record with id "bar" in table "foo"
const result = await db.delete('foo', 'bar')
Works with: HTTP, WS driver
// update record with id "bar" on table "foo" with data "{ value: 1 }"
const result = await db.update('foo', 'bar', { value: 1 })
Works with: HTTP, WS driver
// set property of "value" to "1" on record with id "bar" on table "foo"
const result = await db.mutate('foo', 'bar', { value: 1 })
Works with: HTTP driver
// apply patches to all records on table "foo"
const result = await db.patch('foo', [
{ op: 'add', path: '/value', value: 0 },
// apply patches to record with id "bar" on table "foo"
const result = await db.patch('foo', 'bar', [
{ op: 'replace', path: '/value', value: 1 },
Works with: WS driver
// execute raw queries
const result = await db.sql`SELECT * FROM foo`
// execute raw queries with variables
// variables are automatically escaped as LET parameters
const result = await db.sql`SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id > ${0}`
Works with: HTTP, WS driver
// execute a live query using async iterators
for await (const result of db.live`SELECT * FROM foo WHERE value > ${0}`) {
break // stop live query
// execute a live query using a listener
const kill = await db.live`SELECT * FROM foo WHERE value > ${0}`(data => {
await kill() // stop live query
// queries can be saved and reused,
// each starting a new live query
const liveQuery = db.live`SELECT * FROM foo WHERE value > ${0}`
const kill1 = await liveQuery(data => {
const kill2 = await liveQuery(data => {
for await (const result of liveQuery) {
Works with: WS driver
const result = await db.health()
Works with: HTTP driver
// get connected database's version
const result = await db.version()
Works with: HTTP driver
// close current connection
await db.close()
Works with: WS driver