
Fetch students point report.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Point Collector

Download the data fetched by me or in the Releases tab

First, install dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt


Modify .env accordingly to meet your requirements.


ctt_start_UID is basically it. Same goes for ctt_end_UID

log_lvl idk...

year: Start from 1 to ?,

For example, this year is 2022, so if you want to get the latest result, set it to 1, last year is 2, last 2 year is 3, and so on.

semester: 1 or 2

write_uid explain itself.

To save time, the UID range should be set from 3000350000 to 3000399999.

Check for missing UIDs: python name_chrome.py. It will check for any UIDs missing in collected/ctt/UIDs and names.txt and save them as an array string in collected/ctt/missing.txt.


Modify .env accordingly to meet your requirements.


ts10_start_ID is basically it. Same goes for ts10_end_ID

You can combine all JSON file using: combine_json.py

This script supported 2 format, JSON and CSV. When typing the path, make sure it doesn't have any / at the end.


The PointCollector repo contains python scripts that fetch student point reports from websites. The author does not own or guarantee the data or the scripts.

The use of these scripts is at your own risk. You should respect the websites and the laws when you crawl. The author is not liable for any damages or losses from these scripts.