
Django app managing passwords with an unique master key

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Password Manager

Enables password Management through one Master Key and via AES 256 encryption The passwords are encrypted into the DB on the server and only the provided key when logged in can decrypt them.

Demo here: http://demo-password-manager.herokuapp.com/

  • login: test
  • password: test


  1. Git clone this repo
  2. Add an heroku app

git heroku git:remote -a app-name

  1. Deploy on Heroku

git push heroku master

DB Config

Set up the admin user + password when asked by Heroku The masterKey used to encrypt the passwords is obtained by hashing your DB password with a sequence of MD5. Advice: Use a strong masterKey password to ensure good protection of your passwords!

Techs used

Django is used as the web framework. Some Javascript (AJAX calls) and Bootstrap (Twitter Bootstrap) are used to enhance the frontend. TDD is used as the coding philosophy.