
Network Architecture and Training

We used a 169-layer convolutional neural network to predict the probability of abnormality for each image in a study. The network uses a Dense Convolutional Network architecture – detailed in Huang et al. (2016) – which connects each layer to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion to make the optimization of deep networks tractable. We replaced the final fully connected layer with one that has a single output, after which we applied a sigmoid nonlinearity. For each image $$X$$ of study type $$T$$ in the training set, we optimized the weighted binary cross entropy loss. Before feeding images into the network, we normalized each image to have the same mean and standard deviation of images in the ImageNet training set. We then scaled the variable-sized images to $$320 × 320$$. We augmented the data during training by applying random lateral inversions and rotations of up to 30 degrees. The weights of the network were initialized with weights from a model pretrained on ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009). The network was trained end-to-end using Adam with default parameters $$\beta_1 = 0.9$$ and $$\beta_2 = 0.999$$ (Kingma & Ba, 2014). We trained the model using minibatches of size $$8$$. We used an initial learning rate of $$0.0001$$ that is decayed by a factor of $$10$$ each time the validation loss plateaus after an epoch. We ensembled the $$5$$ models with the lowest validation losses.

From above 3 paragraphs to reproduce this we need:

  1. Model
    • DenseNet169 as base (as well as few other popular image recognition models like other DenseNet variations or different ResNet)
    • Pretrained on ImageNet
    • Last layer changed to binary classification
    • cross entropy loss function
    • weighted cross entropy loss
  2. Prepare data
    • MURA dataset
    • Resized beforehand for training
    • Set data to proper directory structure
    • Data augmentation (implemented with RecordIO)
  3. Training
    • Init with pretrained weights
    • Adam optimizer with gicen hyperparameters
    • Training hyperparameters
    • Decaying learnign rate after validation loss plateaus
    • Ensemble 5 bests



MURA (musculoskeletal radiographs) is a large dataset of bone X-rays. Algorithms are tasked with determining whether an X-ray study is normal or abnormal.


Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet) connects each layer to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion.




Command to run docker with exposed REPL:

nvidia-docker run --name xenon-repl -p 3133 -v <absolute-path>/xenon/app:/home/magnet/app -it xenon lein repl :headless :host :port 3133

Find container IP

docker inspect xenon-repl | grep IPAddress