
Remote-control for a Thunder Tiger Victoria sailboat

Primary LanguageClojure

Development environment

To start autobuilding ClojureScript and start a ClojureScript REPL:

rlwrap java -cp cljs.jar:src clojure.main browser-repl.clj

While that is waiting for a browser to connect, start the web server:

lein repl
(def f (future (chouser.victoria/-main "8000")))

Now point your browser at http://<host>:8000/?repl which should show the GUI and also allow the ClojureScript REPL to connect. You can now evaluate code in either REPL. Changes to the ClojureScript will be automatically compiled and trigger the browser to load the new code. Changes to the Clojure code will require a manual reload at the REPL, such as with (require 'chouser.victoria :reload)

Build release

To build a uberjar for shipping to the Raspberry Pi:

java -cp cljs.jar:src clojure.main release.clj
lein uberjar

Run the uberjar on the Pi like this:

java -jar victoria-0.0.1-standalone.jar


  • fix touch-stealing if fingers cross

  • send ctrl positions from server, in case of multiple clients (?)
