
Kickstart your batch development with Groovy + Spring Batch

Primary LanguageGroovy

Build Status

Groovy Spring Batch Template

is a groovy alternative to the Simple Spring Batch Project template shipped with STS.

What's the difference?

Groovy Spring Batch Template STS Simple Spring Batch Project
Language Groovy Java
Build system Gradle Maven
Test framework Spock JUnit
Logging SLF4J + Logback Commons Logging + Log4j
Default database H2 HSQLDB

Installation & Usage

git clone git://github.com/robokaso/Groovy-Spring-Batch-Template.git gsbt; cd gsbt
./gradlew run 		# execute the sample job
./gradlew check 	# run the tests and generate reports
./gradlew distZip 	# package the project for distribution 

STS users can conveniently import the project into workspace via File -> Import -> Gradle Project (you'll need to have the Gradle plugin installed). Others can resort to gradle support for Eclipse or Idea.


Apache 2.0, i.e. same as Spring Batch License