
Virtualized scrolling for big lists

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT


This is a fork of v1ack's svelte-virtual-scroll-list migrated to TypeScript to add support for TypeScript generics.


yarn add -D @chrrubin/svelte-virtual-scroll-list

<script lang="ts">
    import VirtualScroll from "@chrrubin/svelte-virtual-scroll-list"

    interface Item {
        id: number;
        text: string;

    let items: Item[] = [{ id: 0, text: 'zero'}, { id: 1, text: 'one'}];

<VirtualScroll data={items} key="id" let:data>

Original README


Svelte implementation of vue library vue-virtual-scroll-list

Virtualized scrolling for big lists

Support dynamic both-directional lists (see example)

Online demo: https://v1ack.github.io/svelte-virtual-scroll-list/

Simple example in Svelte REPL

Getting started

Installing from npm

npm i svelte-virtual-scroll-list -D


yarn add svelte-virtual-scroll-list -D


    import VirtualScroll from "svelte-virtual-scroll-list"

    let items = [{id: 1, text: "one"}, ...]
<div class="vs">
        <div slot="header">
            This is a header set via slot
        <div slot="footer">
            This is a footer set via slot

More examples available in example folder

Comparing to other virtualizing components

svelte-virtual-scroll-list svelte-virtual-list svelte-tiny-virtual-list
handle dynamic size data + + -
scroll methods (to index) + - +
infinity scrolling two-directional - one-directional with another lib
initial scroll position + - +
sticky items - - +
top/bottom slots + - +
reached top/bottom events + - -
document as a list + - -



prop type default description
data object[] null Source for list
key string id Unique key for getting data from data
keeps number 30 Count of rendered items
estimateSize number estimateSize Estimate size of each item, needs for smooth scrollbar
isHorizontal boolean false Scroll direction
pageMode boolean false Let virtual list using global document to scroll through the list
start number 0 scroll position start index
offset number 0 scroll position offset
topThreshold number 0 The threshold to emit top event, attention to multiple calls.
bottomThreshold number 0 The threshold to emit bottom event, attention to multiple calls.


Access to methods by component binding

Binding example
    let vs

<VirtualScroll bind:this={vs}></VirtualScroll>
<button on:click={vs.scrollToBottom}>To bottom</button>
method arguments description
scrollToBottom none Scroll list to bottom
scrollToIndex index: number Set scroll position to a designated index
scrollToOffset offset: number Set scroll position to a designated offset
getSize id: typeof props.key Get the designated item size
getSizes none Get the total number of stored (rendered) items
getOffset none Get current scroll offset
getClientSize none Get wrapper element client viewport size (width or height)
getScrollSize none Get all scroll size (scrollHeight or scrollWidth)
updatePageModeFront none When using page mode and virtual list root element offsetTop or offsetLeft change, you need call this method manually


event description
scroll Scroll event
top Top of the list reached
bottom Bottom of the list reached