PanSV is a tool to iteratively extract non-core sequence from genome graphs. It builds a tree structure detailing the top-down variants in super-bubbles.
#How to use:
- gfautils: Install: python install
#How it works:
- Detect core nodes (based on ecotype traversals)
- Iterate over all paths
- traverse the path from left to right
- if node is core:
- store node order until next core node
- search for existing bubbles with the same anchors
- add as traversal to existing bubble
- if no existing bubble: search for larger bubble with full node subset
- add new sub-bubble to parent bubble
- if node is core:
- traverse the path from left to right
- repeat with core size -1
- write all path supported bubble traversals in a fasta-like format
- naming:
- increment bubble, or subbubble number based on core size step and number of existing subbubles in this step
- Fasta header (identified by anchor)
##Output Files:
PanSV produces 3 different output files. A fasta file that contains all non-core sequence for each path. A bed file specifying the positions of bubbles for easy access and a stats file giving stats for each bubble type.
###Fasta output:
The fasta header specifies the exact bubble ID and additional information on path, position and traversed nodes. >bubbleID_pathID|startPosition:stopPosition|leftAnchor,nodeList...,rightAnchor >|143581:143645|1580,1581+,1582+,1583+,1584+,1585+,1586+,1587
###BED output:
The BED file has the standard bed format. The name field contains the bubbleID and the score field the core set size of the bubble.
###stats output:
The stats output gives basic information for each detected bubble in a tab separated format.
- bubbleID Unique bubble identifyer
- coreNumber Core set size
- subBubbles Number of direct sub bubbles
- sequence Concatenated length of all nodes that form this bubble
- minLen Length of the shortest traversal
- maxLen Length of the logest traversal
- avgLen Average traversal length (combined traversal length / number of traversals)
- traversals Number of unique sequence containing traversals
- pathTraversals Number of times that path traverse through sequence containing traverals