
(k,P)-Anonymity implemented via KAPRA Algorithm for Time Series Anonymization

Primary LanguagePython

Time Series Anonymization with (k,P)-Anonymity


  • numpy
  • pandas
  • loguru
  • saxpy
  • matplotlib

You can use the requirements.txt file

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


For a single run:

python3 kp-anonymity.py k_value p_value paa_value /where/is/the/dataset.csv


  • k_value: Value of k-anonymity (greater than p value)
  • p_value: Value of the pattern, p-anonymity
  • paa_value: Length of the string that can be used to describe the pattern
  • /where/is/the/dataset.csv: Path of the input dataset

For run the tests and produce the histograms of execution time and instant value loss for each run:

python3 runTests.py

You can find the histograms inside "Output" folder as .png files.
The terminal output informs about:

  • The parameters that give the lowest "execution time"
  • The parameters that give the lowest "instant value loss".


In "Dataset" folder there are two datasets that can be use as input dataset. The input datasets are .csv files.


Read the presentation: (k,P)-Anonymity

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