
:christmas_tree: Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools

Primary LanguageCSS

Apollo Client Devtools

This repository contains the Apollo Client Devtools Chrome extension and React component.

The dev tools require at least apollo-client@0.5.18. To see component names in the query inspector, you need at least react-apollo@0.7.1.


The devtools appear as an "Apollo" tab in your Chrome inspector, along side the "Elements" and "Console" tabs. There are currently 3 main features of the devtools:

  • GraphiQL: Send queries to your server through the Apollo network interface, or query the Apollo cache to see what data is loaded.
  • Normalized store inspector: Visualize your GraphQL store the way Apollo Client sees it, and search by field names or values.
  • Watched query inspector: View active queries and variables, and locate the associated UI components.

GraphiQL Console

Make requests against either your app’s GraphQL server or the Apollo Client cache through the Chrome developer console. This version of GraphiQL leverages your app’s network interface, so there’s no configuration necessary — it automatically passes along the proper HTTP headers, etc. the same way your Apollo Client app does.

Store Inspector

View the state of your client-side cache as a tree and inspect every object inside. Visualize the mental model of the Apollo cache. Search for specific keys and values in the store and see the path to those keys highlighted.

Watched Query Inspector

View the queries being actively watched on any given page. See when they're loading, what variables they're using, and, if you’re using React, which React component they’re attached to. Angular support coming soon.


You can install the extension via the Chrome Webstore. If you want to install a local version of the extension instead, skip ahead to the Developing section.


While your app is in dev mode, the devtools will appear as an "Apollo" tab in your chrome inspector. To enable the devtools in your app even in production, pass connectToDevTools: true to the ApolloClient constructor in your app. Pass connectToDevTools: false if want to manually disable this functionality.

The "Apollo" tab will appear in the Chrome console iff there exists a global window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ object in your app. Apollo Client adds this hook to the window automatically unless process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'. If you would like to use the devtools in production, just manually attach your Apollo Client instance to window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ or pass connectToDevTools: true to the constructor.

If you're seeing the "Apollo" tab but still having issues, skip ahead to the Developing: Debugging section.



After cloning this repo, compile the extension bundle:

cd apollo-client-devtools
npm install

Install the extension in Chrome:

  • Open chrome://extensions
  • Enable the 'Developer Mode' checkbox
  • Click 'Load unpacked extensions...'
  • Select the apollo-client-devtools/extension folder

Now, while on any page, open the chrome inspector. If you're inspecting a page that is using Apollo Client, there will be a global window.__APOLLO_CLIENT__ object on that page. If that object exists, you will see an "Apollo" tab in the inspector menu. This tab will contain the Apollo Client devtools.

Folder structure

The extension is built using React and ES6. All the main source code for the devtools exists in the /app folder, with components/Panel.js being the container component, and index.js attatching the Panel to the document itself. If you're interested in editing the current code or adding a new feature, you would do so here.

Wepback bundles the code from /app into /extension/dist. Thus the /extension folder contains the chrome extension itself, and has the necessary manifest.json file and image resources. To load the extension locally, you would load from this folder. Likewise, to upload the extension to the Chrome Webstore, you would upload a zip of this folder.

The root of the repo contains the .bablerc file, webpack config file, and necessary package.json and index.js files to make the repo bundle correctly and export as a node module (see the next section).

Reloading the Chrome extension

Unfortunately, there is no way to hot-reload a Chrome extension in the inspector while developing it.

While actively working on the devtools, you should run webpack -w in the devtools repo. This will have webpack watch your files, and rebundle them automatically whenever you make a change. With webpack -w running, you'll simply have to close the chrome inspector and open it again to see your changes in effect (no need to hit reload on the chrome://extensions page unless you make a change to the extension manifest).

Developing with hot reload in an app

For faster development with hot reloading, we have also created a way for you to insert the devtools panel into an apollo client app as a React component, and thus have it hot reload using your app's own reloading configuration.

To do this, first link the apollo-client-devtools to your app's node modules.

cd /path/to/your/apollo-client/app
npm link /path/to/apollo-client-devtools

Then in your app, import the apollo-client-devtools Panel component:

const Panel = require('apollo-client-devtools').Panel;

Now you can insert the <Panel /> component into your app. This will overlay the contents of the Apollo dev tools tab onto your app, allowing you to work on code in the extension at the same speed with which you'd work on code for your app.

We've been developing internally against Githunt-React. If you checkout and run the devtools branch on Githunt-React, you can develop against the same configuration we've been using.

Note: While great for expedited development of layout and CSS, this method doesn't allow you to simulate the environment of a chrome extension perfectly. Thus, we recommend you use a combination of both this process and the one described in the previous section while working on the extension. Make sure to test any major changes in the final environment.


If there is an error in the devtools panel, you can inspect it just like you would inspect a normal webpage. Detach the inspector console from the window (if it's not already detached) by clicking the button with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the console and selecting the detach option. With the detached console in focus, press opt-cmd-I again to open an inspector for the detached console (inspector inception). In this new inspector, you will be able to inspect elements in the first inspector, including the Apollo dev tools panel.

If you're seeing an error that's being caused by the devtools, please open an Issue on this repository with a detailed explanation of the problem and steps that we can take to replicate the error.