
Code templates for NativeScript in Netbeans. Templates exists for HTML.

MIT LicenseMIT

NativeScript Snippets for NetBeans

This extension for NetBeans adds snippets for NativeScript Tags in XML files.

It is based on the Visual Studio Code implementation: NativeScript + Angular 2 Snippets for VS Code


Use Extension


Type part of a snippet, press enter or tab, and the snippet unfolds.

UI Components


  1. nsabsolute - Absolute Layout
  2. nsdock - Dock Layout
  3. nsgrid - Grid Layout
  4. nsgrid_2x2 - Grid Layout 2x2
  5. nsgrid_2x2_auto - Grid Layout 2x2 Automatic Width/Height
  6. nsgrid_3x3_auto - Grid Layout 3x3 Automatic Width/Height
  7. nsgrid_4x3_auto - Grid Layout 4x3 Automatic Width/Height
  8. nsgrid_4x4_auto - Grid Layout 4x4 Automatic Width/Height
  9. nsgrid_3x3 - Grid Layout 3x3
  10. nsgrid_4x3 - Grid Layout 4x3
  11. nsgrid_4x4 - Grid Layout 4x4
  12. nsstack - Stack Layout
  13. nsstack_horizontal - Stack Layout Horizontal
  14. nswrap - Wrap Layout


  1. nsactionbar - Action Bar
  2. nsactionbarcustomtitle - Action Bar with Custom Title
  3. nsactionbarback - Action Bar with Back Button
  4. nslabel - Label
  5. nstextfield - Text Field
  6. nspassword - Secure Text Field (for passwords)
  7. nstextview_editable - Text View (editable)
  8. nstextview_non-editable - Text View (non editable)
  9. nsimg - Image
  10. nsborder - Border
  11. nsbtn - Button
  12. nssearchbar - Search Bar
  13. nsswitch - Switch
  14. nsslider - Slider
  15. nsprogress - Progress
  16. nsloading - Activity Indicator
  17. nsdate - Date Picker
  18. nstime - Time Picker
  19. nslistpicker - List Picker
  20. nssegmentedbar - Segmented Bar
  21. nstabview - Tab View
  22. nslistview - List View
  23. nswebview - Web View
  24. nsscrollview - Scroll View

How to install

Install the plugin.

Test it into a XML file (Examples: shortcut ngtime + TAB => <TimePicker [hour]="... )

Known Bugs

XML code completion doesn't include the code templates, but the code templates are working well. I created a ticket for this.