
It shows the current project group, project name, path of the current file/node/editor and IDE version in the titlebar of NetBeans.

Primary LanguageJava

Looking for maintainers, who want to take over the development!


It shows the current project group, project name, path of the current file/node/editor and IDE version in the titlebar of NetBeans. It can be configured using an option panel.

See http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/42000/show-path-in-title This implements the feature request from http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=159722

Updates in 3.0.0

Updates in 2.2.0

  • [Issue 25]: Fixed: Wrong file displayed if using docked windows (initial code by Shredder121)
  • [Issue 3]: Fixed: When multiple files are selected only the last one is shown

Updates in 2.1.0

  • [Issue 21]: Speed up the query for the current project (PR by Shredder121)
  • [Issue 22]: Update to 8.0.2 platform
  • [Issue 17]: Move options to Options|Appearance

Updates in 2.0.1

  • [feature] Issue 14: Show project group, if available
  • [internal] use another non-API approach get the name of the project group. Fortunately this allows the plugin to be compatible to older NetBeans versions.

Updates in 1.3.1

  • [fix] Issue 11: Preferences are loaded on every change
  • [fix] Issue 12: Use original window title instead of hardcoded string

Updates in 1.3.0

  • [feature] Issue 7: Show path, when in external sources
  • [fix] show projectname + projectdir, when selecting a project node

Updates in 1.2.1

  • [feature] shows full path when project is selected - useful in conjunction with option "use selected node as source for path"

Updates in 1.2

  • [feature] shows path relative to project directory (eclipse-like, it is activated by default, old mode can be activated manually)
  • [feature] additonal mode: use open editor as source for path (eclipse-like, has to be enabled manually)
  • [fix] prevents empty title - default is "NetBeans"

Provide defects, request for enhancements and feedback at https://github.com/markiewb/show-path-in-title-netbeans-module/issues

Compatible to >=NB 8.0

Legal disclaimer: Code is licensed under Apache 2.0.