
Not working in macOS 10.15 Catalina

Closed this issue · 22 comments


I have updated to macOS 10.15 Catalina, then iStats does not work any more.

> iStats
zsh: /usr/local/bin/istats: bad interpreter: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/bin/ruby: no such file or directory

It seems, Rubyl are not included in new macOS.

my Ruby version

>ruby -v
ruby 2.6.4p104 (2019-08-28 revision 67798) [x86_64-darwin18]


$ brew install ruby iStats

phyng commented

sudo gem install iStats works for me in macOS 10.15 Catalina:

➜  ~ sudo gem install iStats
Fetching iStats-1.6.1.gem
Fetching sparkr-0.4.1.gem
Fetching parseconfig-1.0.8.gem
Successfully installed sparkr-0.4.1
Successfully installed parseconfig-1.0.8
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed iStats-1.6.1
Parsing documentation for sparkr-0.4.1
Installing ri documentation for sparkr-0.4.1
Parsing documentation for parseconfig-1.0.8
Installing ri documentation for parseconfig-1.0.8
Parsing documentation for iStats-1.6.1
Installing ri documentation for iStats-1.6.1
Done installing documentation for sparkr, parseconfig, iStats after 0 seconds
3 gems installed
➜  ~ istats           
--- CPU Stats ---
CPU temp:               44.56°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇

Try reinstalling the command line tools with xcode-select --install.

Try reinstalling the command line tools with xcode-select --install.

still not working with the same error message

sudo gem install iStats works for me in macOS 10.15 Catalina:

➜  ~ sudo gem install iStats
Fetching iStats-1.6.1.gem
Fetching sparkr-0.4.1.gem
Fetching parseconfig-1.0.8.gem
Successfully installed sparkr-0.4.1
Successfully installed parseconfig-1.0.8
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed iStats-1.6.1
Parsing documentation for sparkr-0.4.1
Installing ri documentation for sparkr-0.4.1
Parsing documentation for parseconfig-1.0.8
Installing ri documentation for parseconfig-1.0.8
Parsing documentation for iStats-1.6.1
Installing ri documentation for iStats-1.6.1
Done installing documentation for sparkr, parseconfig, iStats after 0 seconds
3 gems installed
➜  ~ istats           
--- CPU Stats ---
CPU temp:               44.56°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇

still not woking, but thanks
sudo gem install iStats
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed iStats-1.6.1
Parsing documentation for iStats-1.6.1
Installing ri documentation for iStats-1.6.1
Done installing documentation for iStats after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
╭─  ~ 
╰─ istats
zsh: /usr/local/bin/istats: bad interpreter: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/bin/ruby: no such file or directory

Did you try reinstalling iStats? The error is looking for for a ruby executable in the 2.3 folder but from your ruby -v it looks like you have 2.6 installed.

Did you try reinstalling iStats? The error is looking for for a ruby executable in the 2.3 folder but from your ruby -v it looks like you have 2.6 installed.

I have tried "sudo gem install iStats" and brew install ruby... not working

Did you try reinstalling iStats? The error is looking for for a ruby executable in the 2.3 folder but from your ruby -v it looks like you have 2.6 installed.

I think iStats needs ruby 2.3, but new macOS remove the ruby 2.3 and my user-ruby is Ruby 2.6

Try gem uninstall iStats and then gem install iStats

Try gem uninstall iStats and then gem install iStats



Ah try istats all lowercase instead of iStats.

Ah try istats all lowercase instead of iStats.

same error :-)

I don't know then. Still find it weird that the error is for 2.3 and you have 2.6 installed. I just uninstalled and reinstalled on my machine running Catalina and have no errors. I didn't have to use sudo.

I don't know then. Still find it weird that the error is for 2.3 and you have 2.6 installed. I just uninstalled and reinstalled on my machine running Catalina and have no errors. I didn't have to use sudo.

thanks, use "gem install iStats" it gives more errors


phyng commented

@Liampor Inferred from your log, take a look at /usr/local/bin/istats, update first line to 2.6 (or the output of which ruby) maybe can solve this:

➜   which ruby
 ➜  cat /usr/local/bin/istats

@Liampor Inferred from your log, take a look at /usr/local/bin/istats, update first line to 2.6 (or the output of which ruby) maybe can solve this:

➜   which ruby
 ➜  cat /usr/local/bin/istats




@Chris911 @phyng

Finally solved! Thank you all!

I have two Ruby path:

  1. /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/ruby (default, installed by Homebrew)
  2. /usr/bin/ruby

If set default ruby-path to /usr/bin/ruby und reinstall iStats by sudo gem install iStats then edit /usr/local/bin/istats headline to #!/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/bin/ruby

it works fine !

@Liampor I have same problem, two Ruby path; and I don't know how to set default ruby-path

@Liampor I have same problem, two Ruby path; and I don't know how to set default ruby-path

Step 1:
set ruby-path to /usr/bin/ruby
to do this, you can edit your Terminal profile,for example in ZSH
export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"

Step 2:

Quit Terminal and reopen.

run which ruby If anything is right you will see /usr/bin/ruby

Step 3:

reinstall iStats

uninstall: sudo gem uninstall iStats
then reinstall: sudo gem install iStats


If you want to use other Ruby-path, you can edit the terminal profile later.

ps. 用我的蹩脚英语和**人对话好奇怪。。

Hi all,
I also got same trouble and reached here.
@Liampor, thank you for giving me the answer!

Did you try reinstalling iStats? The error is looking for for a ruby executable in the 2.3 folder but from your ruby -v it looks like you have 2.6 installed.

I think iStats needs ruby 2.3, but new macOS remove the ruby 2.3 and my user-ruby is Ruby 2.6

I installed ruby 2.3 via mac ports and changed the default ruby and succeeded to install iStats.

% sudo port install ruby23
% sudo port install ruby_select
% sudo port select --set ruby ruby23
% sudo gem install iStats -n /usr/local/bin 

environment : Mac OSX catalina (10.15.7)

When using Homebrew I recommend installing custom Rubies via brew install rbenv and following the instructions.