
Attempt to poll metrics a la Coda Hale from a (non-JVM) process and push them to graphite

Primary LanguagePython


Small script / service in Python to enable reading metrics from an application (using Coda Hale's metrics principles) and writing the results to a graphite server.

Important: If the source of the metrics is a JVM, this approach is unnecessary, as Coda Hale's metrics library has built-in support to push to a Graphite server, see http://metrics.codahale.com/manual/graphite/. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything similar when the metrics source is a .NET or Ruby process.

Also important: These script are not finished! Please check the various TODOs.

Little Overview

  • metrics2graphite.py
    • contains the thread that would run forever and report every metric ("step") registered every minute.
  • steps.py
    • mini-DSL to register a "step". Python scripts that implement reading metrics from the process would import this and register one or more "steps".
  • FirstMetrics.py
    • This is an example on how metrics would be implemented. See the TODOs in there and in metrics2graphite.py how this should actually be implemented... or any better ideas?