
Authentication Provider in NodeJS, implementing OAuth2 and OpenID Connect (partly)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Assuming you've got a NodeJS environment ready:

npm install

Run Specs

npm test

Run Specs Continuously

npm run watch

Debug Specs

Run the specs with --debug-brk to make node wait for the debugger to attach:

node --debug-brk ./node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js

Run node-inspector:


... (does not work at the moment... why?)


The example provider can be run with a REPL:

WITH_REPL=1 node examples/provider.js

Within the REPL, the following will be in the context: provider, ontology, server

This gives access to anything persisted like this:

ontology.collections.client.findOne({ id: 1 }).then((c) => { console.log('c', c) })


The example provider uses in-memory "persistence" by default. MongoDB can be used instead by providing a url in environment variable MONGO_URL like so:

MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost/oauth2-oidc-provider node examples/provider.js


Licensed under the MIT License.