
Use jQuery Mobile in a Rails 3 application

Primary LanguageRuby

JQuery Mobile for Rails

Adds a :mobile format to a Rails app so that both (desktop) browser optimized and jQuery Mobile optimized pages can be rendered.

Supports Rails 3.1 (and maybe Rails 3.0?).


Include it into your Gemfile:

gem 'rails-jquerymobile'


bundle install

to install it.


In the relevant controller(s), add:


Typically, adding this to the ApplicationController is a good idea.

Now, in order to switch to the mobile site (i.e. the mobile format), use


as a query parameter, e.g.:


Alternatively, it would be nice if a mobile browser is autodetected, but this is not implemented yet.

You can generate a mobile format (that uses jQuery Mobile):

rails generate rails_jquerymobile:layout

Now add views as needed to your application, for the :mobile format. If you have a Project model and a ProjectsController with a new action, you may want to use a view app/views/projects/new.mobile.erb like this:

<% content_for :title, "Add your project" %>

<%= form_for(@project, :html => { :'data-ajax' => :false }) do |f| %>
  <div data-role="fieldcontain" class="ui-hide-label">
    <%= f.label :title %>
    <%= f.text_field :title, :placeholder => "Title" %>
  <%= f.submit :html => { :'data-rel' => 'back' } %>
<% end %>

Check the jQuery Mobile Demos and Documentation on how to use jQuery Mobile specific markup.

TODO: There should be a mechanism to detect (or guess) if the user agent is a mobile/smart phone or a desktop browser.

You can add a links to switch between the formats as follows:

<%= link_to "Web Site", root_path(:mobile => 0), :rel => 'external' %>
<%= link_to "Mobile Site", root_path(:mobile => 1), :rel => 'external' %>


The has_mobile_format method has the following options:

  • :debug: If true, debug messages about which format is remembered and which format is chosen are written to stdout.

Copyright (c) 2011 Chris, released under the MIT license