

Execute the following commands to clone the repository.

> git clone
> cd tryton

Update .env file with your own values (for testing purpose, stay with the ones provided).

Then execute the following commands to start Postgres and Tryton.

> docker-compose up

This will start containers for your database, the tryton service, a tryton cron service, and mailhog for email testing.

You will see some warnings, which are probably fine to ignore. (TODO: rather fix the warnings...)

In order to login, you need to set a password for the admin user. Do this from a different terminal session, but in the same directory where you ren docker-compose up:

docker-compose exec -it tryton trytond-admin --password -d tryton

Navigate to http://localhost:8000, and login with user admin and your new password.


(TODO: untested with new tryton v7.)

Execute the following command.



(TODO: untested with new tryton v7.)

Update Tryton tag in .env file with another Tryton version, then execute the following command.


The backup files should be in the ${HOME}/BACKUP folder.


Execute the following commands to clean everything.

> docker-compose stop
> docker-compose rm


Deploying Tryton with Docker by Cédric Krier